Field Descriptions for Building Level FRL SY-9798.DBF Original Source: Michigan Department of Education 1997-1998 Building Free Reduced Lunch Public Data Data Updated: 02/11/1999 Data Converted for web posting: 06/03/2005 File Structure: Field: Abbreviated field name LEN: Length of field TYPE: C=Character N=Number DEC: Number of decimal points Description: Field name T Y D P E Field..... LEN E C Description...................................... 1 dcode 5 C 0 District Code 2 dname 30 C 0 District Name 3 bcode 5 C 0 Building Code 4 bname 30 C 0 Building Name 5 isdcode 2 C 0 Intermediate District Code 6 countycode 2 C 0 County Code 7 brkserv 6 N 0 Breakfast Total Servings 8 brkfree 6 N 0 Breakfast Total Free 9 brkredu 6 N 0 Breakfast Total Reduced 10 brkdays 6 N 0 Breakfast Total Days Served 11 lunserv 6 N 0 Lunch Total Servings 12 lunfree 6 N 0 Lunch Total Free 13 lunredu 6 N 0 Lunch Total Reduced 14 lundays 6 N 0 Lunch Total Days Served 15 enroll 6 N 0 Student Enrollment 16 freeapp 6 N 0 Indigent Applications on File (FREE) 17 reduapp 6 N 0 Indigent Applications on File (REDUCED) 18 avgbrk 6 N 0 Avg Dly Part. Break (BRKSERV/BRKDAYS) 19 avglun 6 N 0 Avg Dly Part. Lunch (LUNSERV/LUNDAYS) 20 pctserv 6 N 2 % Meals Serv (LUNFREE+LUNREDU)/LUNSERV 21 pctenroll 6 N 2 % Enrollment (FREEAPP+REDUAPP)/ENROLL