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Carson City Correctional Facility

2025-05-20T09:00:00Z 2025-05-20T15:00:00Z Carson City Correctional Facility

Ionia Correctional Facility (ICF) is currently hiring corrections officers, mental health & health care staff, and other positions.

The open house will take place at Michigan Works! Greenville in Greenville, MI.

Several facility staff members will be on-site providing application assistance for all available positions.

Those interested in becoming a corrections officer will be able to interview and complete a PT test. Please bring a change of clothes for the fitness test. Gym shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt are recommended.

Watch a video of the PT test.

Attendees should bring three references, work history, and a valid form of identification.

For more information, please contact the Recruitment Office.

Michigan Works! Greenville 114 S. Greenville West Dr., Ste. 1 Greenville, MI 48838

Michigan Works! Greenville
114 S. Greenville West Dr., Ste. 1
Greenville, MI 48838

Event Date

Start: May 20, 2025 9:00 AM

End: May 20, 2025 3:00 PM

Contact Information

Ionia Correctional Facility (ICF) is currently hiring corrections officers, mental health & health care staff, and other positions.

The open house will take place at Michigan Works! Greenville in Greenville, MI.

Several facility staff members will be on-site providing application assistance for all available positions.

Those interested in becoming a corrections officer will be able to interview and complete a PT test. Please bring a change of clothes for the fitness test. Gym shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt are recommended.

Watch a video of the PT test.

Attendees should bring three references, work history, and a valid form of identification.

For more information, please contact the Recruitment Office.