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Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Workgroup

About the workgroup

The workgroup assists the Michigan Trails Advisory Council with its duties and responsibilities and provides the DNR advice related to the creation, development, operation and maintenance of the state’s designated ORV trail system.


Meeting information

Date Time Location
Feb. 14, 2024 1-3 p.m.

Grayling Township Hall
2090 Viking Way
Grayling, Mich. 49738

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 234 883 755 948
Passcode: qqFhmc

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 766156201# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 766 156 201#

May 1, 2024 1-3 p.m.

Delta Township Hall, Room C
7710 W. Saginaw Hwy.
Lansing, Mich. 48917

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 250 784 040 399
Passcode: sasFqe

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 184293512# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 184 293 512#

Aug. 7, 2024 1-3 p.m.

Ralph A. MacMullen Conference Center
104 Conservation Drive
Roscommon, Mich. 48653

or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 260 193 307 209
Passcode: rGu4Zp

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 523252292# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 523 252 292#

Oct. 30, 2024 1-3 p.m.

In person:
Ralph A. MacMullan Conference Center
104 Conservation Drive
Roscommon, MI 48653

Or join Microsoft Teams meeting on your computer or mobile app
Meeting ID: 227 980 676 233
Passcode: QaYsMq

Or call in (audio only):
248-509-0316 / 507145479# United States, Pontiac
Phone Conference ID: 507 145 479#

Guidelines to address workgroup

Anyone wishing to address the workgroup must declare their intent by completing a DNR Trails Advisory Committees public hearing comment card prior to, or during the public appearance portion of the meeting. Persons addressing the workgroup will be requested to identify their name, address and the organization they belong to, if any. In instances in which a person is representing an organization, the presenter should indicate whether their comments represent the official views of the organization. Anyone contacting the staff assistant on or before the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed five minutes for their presentation. Anyone signing up after the Friday preceding the meeting will be allowed up to three minutes at the discretion of the chairperson. The public appearance segment of the meeting will last until closed by the chairperson or by vote of the workgroup.


Jessica Holley-Roehrs
DNR Parks and Recreation Division
P.O. Box 30257
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Upcoming and recent agendas