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Sponsorship and partnership opportunities

Businesses and organizations are invited to get involved as sponsors and partners in caring for Michigan's natural and cultural resources, while connecting with the millions of people who enjoy these resources.

With only 15% of the Department of Natural Resources' annual budget coming from general tax dollars and other sources, new and creative revenue sources are key.

Businesses and organizations interested in these or other opportunities can contact Jon Spieles via email or at 517-284-6065 to discuss.

Opportunities to partner or become a sponsor

2023 Fishing Guide Cover

Michigan Fishing Regulations

Advertise in Michigan Fishing Regulations and reach over 1 million anglers.

Hunting and Trapping Digest

Michigan Hunting Regulations

Advertise in Michigan Hunting Regulations and reach resident and out-of-state hunters.

A boardwalk goes through the grasslands on a sunny day at Maple River State Game Area

Adopt-a-Game Area

Sponsor habitat projects on state lands and help grassland wildlife thrive. Support of this program provides valuable habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including deer, turkeys, pheasants, ducks, cottontail rabbits, songbirds and pollinators. 

Inside the Outdoor Adventure Center, showing the airplane and bridge exhibits

Outdoor Adventure Center

Those interested in promoting stewardship and enjoyment of Michigan’s natural resources have the chance to inspire millions annually through this hands-on, urban educational facility, from exhibit and display sponsors to naming rights on the building. 

small building with rentals signs and kayaks

Business opportunities

Our business partners include concessions, restaurants, gift shops, rental outfitters, water park operators, guide services and many others, in state parks, boating access sites and more. Contact Lori Green via email or at 989-889-9178 for more information.

These Goods are Good for Michigan logo

These Goods are Good for Michigan

This collection of partners works with the DNR to raise awareness and support through revenue sharing – on products or services of interest to outdoor enthusiasts. Pease contact Maia Turek via email or at 989-225-8573 for more details.