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State parks, trails and waterways

bird's eye view of a lake and forest

State parks, trails and waterways

The DNR Parks and Recreation Division currently manages 103 state parks and recreation areas, totaling more than 300,000 acres across Michigan's Upper and Lower peninsulas. It also oversees the state’s boating program, the state motorized and nonmotorized trails system and 140 state forest campgrounds.

bird's eye view of lighthouse and shoreline


Get the facts about the state parks system, and learn about park management plans and green initiatives.

wooded trail with people walking on it


Explore what's in our state-designated trails system, as well as the plans to help manage and expand these trails.

bird's eye view of boats in harbor slips


What goes into waterways? Learn about state-sponsored boating facilities, including how they're funded and managed.

DNR Parks and Recreation Division Strategic Plan

Cover of the strategic plan with image of lighthouse and the title "Connections"

The DNR Parks and Recreation Division's strategic plan guides the division, over a five-year period, in carrying out its mission to acquire, protect and preserve the natural and cultural features of Michigan’s unique resources, and to provide access to land- and water-based recreation and educational opportunities.

Parks and Recreation Division Strategic Plan 2023-2027 »

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Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)

Michigan’s Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is a five year strategic plan that shapes investment by the State of Michigan and local communities in priority outdoor recreation infrastructure and programming. View the 2018-2022 SCORP plan.

Cover of draft SCORP 2023-27 with image of child playing football in the water at a beach

New SCORP for 2023-2027

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