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Threatened and Endangered Species
Links to Information for Determining the Presence of Threatened and Endangered Species in Michigan
An oil and gas well applicant is responsible for determining if threatened or endangered (T&E) species will be impacted by drilling and producing an oil or gas well at a specific site. Information obtained regarding T&E species is identified in or attached to the Environmental Impact Assessment (form EQP 7200-19). An accurate response to the question of whether T&E species are present in the area will help ensure the application is not delayed or denied because it has a technical deficiency. The Department of Natural Resources is responsible for the protection of state endangered and threatened species under the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act of 1994. The Michigan Natural Features Inventory maintains a database on the locations of rare species and natural communities in Michigan. The following sources are available to help determine the presence of T&E species in Michigan:
- The Michigan Natural Features Inventory will supply information based on your project. MNFI staff will examine the project activities and location and evaluate them based on viable records in the Natural Heritage Database that are located within a mile and a half of the project. A review letter will then be sent summarizing the finds. There is a fee for this service based upon the area involved in the request. Expedited responses, 8 day turnaround, are available for an additional fee. View instructions and more information.
- View countywide lists of T&E and Special Concern species. This will list all known T&E and Special Concern species in the county but does not give specific location information.
- If you have obtained a state of Michigan oil and gas lease that contains Lease Stipulations, which mention T&E species, then it is likely that drilling and production activities may impact those species. Have a qualified biologist or botanist survey the area to determine if and to what extent species may be impacted. Send the survey to, the Wildlife Division, DNR, for approval of the survey and plan of development PRIOR to sending in the application to drill.