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Gerald R. Ford International Airport

Contact for facility compliance questions: Ryan Grant, 616-250-6134

The Gerald R. Ford International Airport discharges an unspecified amount of storm water associated with anti-icing and de-icing fluids/materials (ADF). The de-icing fluids are applied to aircraft and airport surfaces in order to comply with required operating procedures dealing with cold weather. Discharges of storm water with ADF are currently discharged to an unnamed tributary to the Thornapple River (Outfall 001), an unnamed tributary to Plaster Creek (Outfall 007), and another unnamed tributary to the Thornapple River (Outfall 004). The permittee currently uses and is in compliance with ADF best management practices. The permittee has given authorization to redirect storm water associated with ADF from Outfalls 001 and 007 to a new outfall (011) in the Thornapple River. The permittee will be constructing a detention basin and treatment system for the redirected storm water associated with ADF. A trash and debris collection system will be installed to prevent these materials from entering the treatment system or the Thornapple River. The detention and sedimentation basin will provide temporary detention and flow attenuation of peak storm water flows and capture suspended sediments. The proposed treatment system will use an engineered natural treatment process, which includes sub-surface flow units. Within these sub-surface units, natural microbial assimilation processes will reduce the amount of oxygen-demanding substances and other pollutants in the storm water prior to the treated effluent being discharged to the Thornapple River. Due to public interest and involvement, EGLE has created this web page to allow citizens easy access to various documents and other information relative to the airport. Please contact the EGLE Freedom of Information Act Coordinator to seek additional records that may be of interest.

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Information