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2021 Upper Peninsula Materials Management Forum

VIRTUAL  |  April 27-29, 2021

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) held the 2021 (Virtual) Upper Peninsula Materials Management Forum on April 27-29,2021.  The forum focused on the latest solid waste management and recycling issues, with a targeted interest in the Upper Peninsula.  The goal of the U.P. Materials Management Forum is to establish best management practices, waste reuse and economic development in the Upper Peninsula and throughout Michigan.


Recorded Sessions

EGLE MMD Updates, Elizabeth Browne, EGLE MMD Director
EGLE's Materials Management Division director will discuss current and envisioned regulatory and policy updates related to Part 115, Solid Waste, and Part 111, Hazardous Waste.  Additional discussions will include the division's focus on expanding materials management, Michigan's electric vehicle infrastructure, and more.

Community Energy Management, Julie Staveland, State Energy Program Specialist, EGLE MMD, Energy Services
EGLE Energy Services has a number of programs to support Michigan communities interested in advancing energy efficiency and clean energy for their own facilities, or taking steps to advance clean energy community-wide. Attendees of this session will learn more about EGLE Energy Services, programs such as the Community Energy Management Program and Charge Up Michigan, as well as available resources and funding opportunities for communities.

Commercial Demolitions Projects and Asbestos Assessments/Abatement, Joseph Scanlan, EGLE Air Quality Division
Asbestos demolition, waste handling, and disposal are subject to a federal National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).  EGLE's Air Quality Division implements the asbestos NESHAP in Michigan.  In this session, the provisions that landfills and abatement contractors must have in place to meet the NESHAP requirements will be discussed.

Landfill Operations: Reducing Landfill Fires Panel
Panelists:  Brad Austin, Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority; Paul Killian and John Trast, GEI Consultants; David List, Golder Associates, Inc.; Madeline Schwerinski, Waste Management; Phil Roycraft and Carolyn St. Cyr, EGLE MMD

Landfill fires cause threats to the integrity of a landfill system and the environment.  In this session, a panel will discuss the common causes of landfill fires, the importance of preventing fires at landfills, and techniques to evaluate the impact of a landfill fire on the landfill system and environment.  In addition, the importance of fire response to landfill fires will be discussed. 

Recycling and Hazardous Waste Minimization, Brad Austin, Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority
Materials management is evolving in Michigan.  A new regional, single-stream recycling facility has been constructed in Marquette County that includes a source separated glass processing option.  This session will include information about the new facility and additional programs offered by the Marquette County Solid Waste Management Authority.      

Clean Closure of Coal Ash Impoundments, JR Register, Consumers Energy
Consumers Energy completed clean closure of four coal ash impoundments at two different generating sites as part of optimizing material management with solid waste obligations under state and federal regulations.  A "Lines-of-Evidence" approach was taken, building a program from previous site investigations and characterizations to determine extents of excavation to remove solid waste.  An objective measure to physically measure removal efficiency and verification beyond excavation profiles and visual observations was developed through a novel application of colorimetry technology.  Consumers Energy worked with a consultant to establish site-specific synthesized mixtures to determine color values that would be used to validate removal of solid waste so that any residuals remaining were less than health-based criteria.  The colorimetry method was built into the field construction quality assurance verification program providing the third line of evidence reported in an excavation completion report submitted to the department for review and approval.

PFAS - Emerging Contaminant, Jay Parent, EGLE Water Resources Division, Marquette District Supervisor
In this session, attendees will learn about EGLE's permitting and compliance guidance for non-industrial pretreatment wastewater plants that accept landfill leachate and PFAS limits.

Sustainable and Recycling Materials Management Update, Steve Noble and Matt Flechter, EGLE MMD
Sustainable materials management (SMM) is a systematic approach to serving human needs by using/reusing resources most productively and sustainably throughout their life cycles, from the point of resource extraction through material recycling or final disposal.  This session will focus on SMM as it relates to waste issues, particularly waste utilization.  If you are you working on growing recycling opportunities for your community or business, looking for funding support or technical assistance to launch your recycling idea, this is the session for you.  Attendees will learn about the U.P. Electronic Collection Network, electronic recycling, recycling grants, and NextCycle. Attendees will also hear about EGLE's initiatives to expand recycling markets, increase recycling infrastructure, improve the quality or recycled materials, and inform residents and businesses on how, where, and why to recycle.

Landfill Underdrain System - Delta County Landfill, Kurt VanAppledorn, Golder Associates, Inc.
This session will provide an overview of the Delta County Landfill northern landfill underdrain system.  Learn why an underdrain was installed, how it was installed, and how it is monitored.  The webinar is intended for anyone interested in learning how an underdrain system may benefit a landfill and what should be considered to install an underdrain system.