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FAQ: Propane Resilience Enhancement Program
FAQ: Second application period under Part B
Why is there an additional application period under Part B?
The initial application period under Part B did not include enough eligible projects to award all available funding.
What changes have been made under Part B for the second application period?
The total available dollar amount has changed. In addition, Part B grant funding will no longer require a 50% funding match by the grantee, however, a 50% match remains the goal. Applications proposing less than a 50% match by the grantee will be accepted and considered.
When can I submit an application during the second application period under Part B?
The second application period will occur from September 25, 2024 until October 9, 2024.
How do you submit an application for PREP Grant Part B?
Applicants can submit their application by email to
Questions Received - Updated June 4, 2024
Do you prefer that we use the provided PDF or can we provide a separate sheet with answers if the full description does not fit in the text box of the grant PDF?
For consistency, the preference is to provide answers in the text boxes if possible. The format of the application forms has also been updated to allow additional text. Applicants should also submit additional information as an attachment if it is not included in the application form.
We are currently undergoing a storage expansion project and will begin another this summer. Would any of these be eligible for PREP grant consideration?
Completed and operational projects are not eligible for the grant. In-progress projects will be considered, however, preference may be given to projects that have not yet begun (will depend on number of grant applications). Grant applications should provide details relating to construction timing.
Do applicants need to own the property first to be considered for the grant?
No, companies do not need to own the property to be considered, however, if all grant money is allocated, preference may be given to projects that already own or possess the necessary land rights (ownership, lease, temporary works space, etc.). If land rights are not possessed at the time of application, the applicant should explain what land rights are still needed, and the process and anticipated timing of acquiring those rights.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible for the PREP Grant?
Part A
Applicants for PREP Part A grants should be propane storage and distribution companies or large-scale customers or entities, like local units of governments, agricultural entities, and railroads, that control the property and are undertaking the project to enhance propane supply and resilience. Applicants must be a registered corporation with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (DLARA).
Part B
Applicants for PREP Part B grants should Applicants for PREP Part B grants should be propane fractionation, pipeline transport, or wholesale storage and distribution companies that are licensed to do business in Michigan and are undertaking the project to enhance propane supply and resilience.
What activities qualify for the PREP Grant?
Part A
Grant funding is restricted to activities that support the development or expansion of wholesale and retail propane storage capacity in Michigan. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, storage tanks, truck turnouts, loading/unloading equipment, safety and security equipment, and related permanently affixed equipment specific to trucking or rail integration.
Part B
Grant funding is restricted to activities that support expanded propane storage, pipeline, or fractionation capacity in Michigan. Eligible costs include, but are not limited to, storage tanks, underground storage development or expansion, fractionation equipment, pipeline and associated equipment, truck turnouts, loading/unloading equipment, and site preparation for new facilities.
What activities do not qualify for the PREP Grant?
Work items listed as eligible as part of the Michigan Department of Transportation’s (MDOT) Freight Economic Development Program (FEDP) will be considered ineligible for this program. Please see the PREP Grant Overview for more information.
When must all PREP Grant activities be completed?
All grant activities must be complete by November 1, 2026.
What is the maximum Grant award amount?
Part A
The PREP can cover up to 50% of material, labor, and equipment associated with the installation or rehabilitation of propane storage infrastructure up to a maximum of $300,000 for retail providers and $600,000 for wholesale providers.
Part B
There is no maximum Grant award for Part B, however, funding multiple projects is preferred to ensure improved widespread resilience and affordability benefits to Michigan businesses and residents.
Are the Part A maximum Grant amounts per company or per project?
The maximums are per project location. A company may apply for multiple projects at different locations, each requesting the maximum grant amount. In evaluating project applications, however, preference will be given to awarding the most individual companies (one project per company). Companies applying for multiple projects should indicate the priority of each project.
Can companies/applicants apply to both Part A and Part B?
Yes, if a wholesale provider qualifies for both Part A and Part B, they may apply to both as long the projects are distinct and at different locations.
Are completed projects eligible for grant funding?
No, applications for projects that are already completed and in operation will be rejected.
Who is determined to be a wholesale provider?
Wholesale providers are those that were required to submit Form EIA -782C “Monthly Report of Prime Suppliers Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption” to the Energy Information Administration. Additional entities may be considered wholesale distributors if the applicant can demonstrate the business distributes bulk propane supply to separate retail distributors as opposed to selling directly to consumers.
How will PREP Grant Applications be evaluated?
Part A
Applications will be evaluated, considering the grant amount requested, for increased propane storage volume, improved propane distribution capabilities, geographic distribution (area served or improvement to regional resilience), and resilience enhancement of critical customers. Consideration will also be given to projects that are in progress, “shovel-ready” in contrast to those in an early design phase. Projects in which all land rights have been acquired/secured will be given preference. All projects, at a minimum, must increase propane storage capacity or throughput.
Part B
Applications will be evaluated, considering the grant amount requested, for quantity of storage, transportation, or fractionation capacity upgrades at the facility, geographic distribution (area served or improvement to regional resilience), and resilience enhancement of critical customers. Consideration will also be given to projects that are in progress, “shovel-ready” in contrast to those in an early design phase. Projects in which all land rights have been acquired will be given preference. All projects, at a minimum, must increase propane storage capacity or throughput.
What are the PREP Grant reporting requirements?
Grantees will provide a written project status update to the Grant Administrator each month until the project is complete.
When will Grantees receive the PREP Grant Funds?
Grant funds will be distributed as frequently as quarterly, and after the grantee submits all relevant expense documentation to the Grant Administrator for review. Grant funds will only be used for documented costs (invoices, receipts, proof of payment, etc.) of eligible activities.