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Appointment made to Early Stage Venture Investment Corporation Board of Directors

Friday, Sept. 30, 2011

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Peter Farner to the Michigan Early Stage Venture Investment Corporation Board of Directors. 

The board works to ensure a healthy economic climate by fostering job creation, retention and expansion through strategic investment in venture capital businesses that specialize in early stage and seed investments.

"One of the keys to reinventing Michigan is creating opportunities for early success and growth.  I am confident Peter Farner will use his leadership and skill to help build a better and stronger Michigan," Snyder said.

Farner, of Kalamazoo, is the founder and principal of TGap Venture Capital in Kalamazoo. He previously founded and served as principal for Wordengroup Inc. and as senior vice president of Emmperative Inc. in California. Farner earned a bachelor's degree from Duke University and an MBA from the University of Michigan.

Farner will serve a three-year term expiring June 13, 2014, and replaces Hugh Camitta. The appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
