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Gov. Rick Snyder makes reappointment to the State Historical Records Advisory Board

Friday, Feb. 12, 2016

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the reappointment of Jim Cameron, of Saline, to the State Historical Records Advisory Board.

Housed within the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the seven-member board serves as a central advisory body for historical records planning and national historical publications and records commission-funded projects in the state.

“As Michiganders, we are proud of our state’s rich history,” Snyder said. “Jim is a talented professional who will continue to do great work preserving our historical documents and developing ways to use them to further excellence in education.”

Cameron is the social studies consultant for the Michigan Department of Education and was previously a teacher at Saline High School. He has served in leadership roles with the Michigan Council for History Education and the National Council for History Education, and was a board member of the Historical Society of Michigan. Cameron is also a board member and family support committee member for Habitat for Humanity and the Michigan Oral History Association. He holds a master’s degree in social studies from Eastern Michigan University.

Cameron will serve a four-year term expiring Dec. 31, 2019. His appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

