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MCOLES Annual Registration


The mandatory MCOLES Annual Registration for all Michigan law enforcement agencies (LEA) will begin in early January and close in early March. Agencies participating in the Law Enforcement Distribution (LED) will report training expenditures for the 2020 calendar year. The LED expenditure reporting mandate pre-populates the in-service training section of the expenditure details with courses attended by an agency's officers. The training events are listed with the course name, training agency, and other relevant information. The only remaining item to be entered by the agency is the amount of LED funds expended for that course.

Expenses are allowable only for training courses registered in MITN. Course information is pre-populated into MITN and only registered courses will be available to enter expenditures for. Since the courses are drawn from reported attendance, training providers must remain current on entering course rosters. If the training does not appear on the agency's list, you will not be able to enter the course or the cost of the training and claim the expense on your LED. The agency should follow up directly with the training provider in order to have the course entered and/or the roster populated. Approval as an in-service training provider is contingent on entering courses/rosters in a timely fashion, so if an agency is having difficulties with a provider, the provider's status may be suspended or revoked for failure to do so. 

As you can see by the above description in the reporting of training expenditures by the law enforcement agencies for the 2020 calendar year, in-service training providers play a significant role in making it possible for the agencies to report the expenditures of their LED funds. 

When entering data for reporting Supplies and Operating Expenses and Equipment Purchases, remember to click on the ADD button after each entry and SAVE after you click on the ADD button.

Consortium Fees can be reported as a lump sum or per-officer fee in the Consortium Fees section on the Annual LED Expenditure Details web page. The consortium fee no longer needs to be calculated per training attended. At least one training program at a designated consortium must have been attended in order to include the consortium fee as an expenditure.


The in-service firearms standard became effective January 1, 2009, and required all licensed officers to receive training that included an:

Educational Component and a Skills Component

Reporting compliance can be completed by:

(PREFERRED METHOD) Entering the active duty training educational/skills component as an in-service training course and populating the MCOLES license (there is an automatic function to populate your officer's numbers) number on the in-service training course roster. For help walking you through putting an in-service training course and in-service training roster into MITN view the User Guide in MITN by clicking User Guide on the navigation bar..  

If you go to your agency roster page and click on the link Outstanding Mandatory In-Service Training List, a listing of your officers will be displayed indicating that they have not completed the Active Duty Firearms Standard. This list will shrink as officers complete the standard as the information is entered into the In-Service Training Course. Your agency or in-service training provider may have already performed this task. If you have no officers on the list, your training unit or another provider has completed the standard and populated the training rosters. 

At this time, the only way officers will be removed from the list is if the Active Duty Firearms Standard is input as an In-Service Training Course and the officer's MCOLES numbers are populated. For officers who have not completed the standard, the agency must report the name, MCOLES number, and reason for each officer that did not complete the standard (educational and skills component) using the form that will be available via a link on the Annual Registration page or on the MCOLES website. As soon as the officer(s) achieve(d) the standard, report their compliance using the same form in order to ensure that MCOLES' records will immediately reflect accurate information on the status of an individual. 

The second method of reporting compliance with the Active Duty Firearms standard is to check the box YES or NO on the Annual Registration page that indicates whether the officers have met the Active Duty Standard for the 2020 calendar year. Checking YES will indicate that all officers have met the Active Duty Firearms Standard. This does suffice for the mandatory reporting. We will know that all your officers have met the standard by checking YES.

Checking the box YES on the Annual Registration page indicating that the officers met the standard is mandatory, even though you may have created the In-Service training course. 

Please contact us at 517-636-7867 (HELP DESK) for general MCOLES Network issues. There will be further instructions posted that will detail the submission of reporting forms and other reporting issues. 

If you have already registered training courses that include the mandate, or if you have questions on the reporting process, contact David Lee at 517-636-7872 or 

For questions on the firearms standard, contact Danny Rosa at 517-636-7874 or 

For questions on how to register a training course in MITN, contact Pat Hutting at 517-636-7868 or