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State Complaints Procedures and Model Forms and Dispute Resolution Options Documents Released

The state complaint procedures, adopted by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) in 2013, were previously released as part of the Special Education Problem Solving Process, which also included other dispute resolution information. To provide clarity and transparency for all stakeholders, the Problem Solving Process guidance document is being replaced, as of June 7, 2021, with two documents.

The Special Education State Complaints: Procedures and Model Forms document provides details specific to state complaint requirements and the filing process. The Special Education Dispute Resolution Options document provides a general overview of options available for resolving concerns related to special education. Visit the Dispute Resolution Options page to access the documents as well as additional resources for resolving issues.

If you have any questions regarding state complaints or the state complaint process, please contact the MDE OSE Information Line at 888-320-8384 or