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Policy and Governance
Governance/Policy--Essential actions that will foster a shared understanding of goals, responsibilities, and accountability.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer-
Governor Gretchen Whitmer May 7, 2020
Dr. Rice MDE - State Board of Education & Superintendent
US Department of Education COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel:
COVID-19 ("Coronavirus") Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel Coronavirus resources Coronavirus - Coronavirus
MDHHS - Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics: MIAAP
MDE - MDE COVID-19 Education Information and Resources
Covid - 19 resources MDE - Health & Safety
MDE - MDE COVID-19 Special Education Information and Resources
CDC Coronavirus Resource
CDC COVID-19 Resource Communication Resources
School Safety and Incident Communications Toolkit
National School Public Relations Associations Communicating COVID-19: A Guide and Panel Discussion
Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators MAISA
Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators MAISA COL Task Force Guidance - Part 1 of 3
Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals: COVID-19 Update
Michigan Association of School Psychologists
Michigan Association of School Psychologists COVID Resources
Michigan Association of School Social Workers
Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators
Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators
Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association MEMSPA
Michigan School Counselor Association
MSP - Local Emergency Management Programs
Council of Chief State School Officers RESTART & RECOVERY
Missouri School Boards AssociationembrAMS - Login
Southern Regional Education Board K-12 Recovery Playbook
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools TA
Opportunity Labs--Return to School Roadmap | Where Public Education and Public Health Meet
Parent Consent Resources:
Michigan Act 258 of 1974 that provides the laws relating to mental health.
This link will provide you with information on the requirements for IDEA Notice and Consent laws.
Grant funded national technical assistance center for parents.
Laws That Affect School Health Services Programs in Michigan
This link will provide you with detailed information regarding the various laws that affect school health services programs. It is not intended as a substitute for legal counsel.
Parental Consent | Center for Parent Information and Resources
When the term consent is used in IDEA, or the term parental consent, it has the same meaning as the term informed written consent. It means that the parent has been fully informed regarding the action of the school system for which parental consent is being requested. Here is IDEA’s verbatim definition of consent: § 300.9 Consent.
Michigan Behavioral Health Standard Consent Form
Health care providers may share many kinds of health information with other providers for the purposes of payment, treatment, and health care operations. However, providers must receive specific consent to share an individual’s health records containing certain types of information. In Michigan, federal and state laws require providers to receive consent to share information such as mental health records (for purposes other than treatment, payment, and coordination of care) or information on treatment or referrals for alcohol and substance use disorder. More information and tools to navigate federal and state health information laws in Michigan can be found on the Protected Health Information Consent Tool.
FERPA/HIPAA Resources:
Joint HIPAA/FERPA Form Example Michigan
Below are some examples of various multi-agency written consent to share information forms. Check with your individual LEA, ISD and/or Service Providing Agency for specific guidance.
Webinar on Student Privacy - FERPA and Virtual Learning During COVID -19
SPPO distilled most of the questions into 10 common scenarios and questions about FERPA. For each scenario, they identify key FERPA requirements and takeaways and other questions to consider for best practices. We also include at the end of presentation a listing of other available resources.
- Webinar Recording- - Student Privacy - FERPA and Virtual Learning During COVID19
- Webinar Slide Deck-- Student Privacy - FERPA and Virtual Learning During COVID19
Additional related resources on the website include the following:
If, after reviewing these materials, you still have questions, please submit them to their student privacy help desk at
Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) to Student Health Records
Joint Guidance on the Application of HIPAA and FERPA to Student Health Records
Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational Services: Model Terms of Service
HIPAA Specific Support
Permitted Uses and Disclosures: Exchange for Public Health Activities
CMS COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for State Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program