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Site Visit Guidance for LHD Staff Conducting Visits

Visit Types & Prioritization

Vaccines for Children (VFC) Compliance Visits: VFC Compliance Visits are conducted to assess compliance with VFC program requirements. This includes identifying potential issues with accountability and determining whether public vaccines are being handled, stored, and administered under the guidelines and policies governing the VFC program. Site visits are also excellent opportunities to engage provider staff and develop and strengthen ongoing relationships.

Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) Visits: Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers (IQIP) visits promote and support

implementation of provider-level strategies designed to help increase on-time vaccination of children and adolescents.  The IQIP visit is a 12-month process where local, county, or state health department immunization staff and VFC-enrolled provider staff collaborate to identify quality improvement (QI) strategies to increase timely vaccine administration by improving and enhancing immunization workflow at the practice.

Visit prioritization and site selection: Site visits must be performed no later than 24 months from the date of the previous VFC Compliance Visit. Consideration should be given to: tribal health centers, sites with a large patient population, sites with recent vaccine losses, and sites with recent staff turnover.

Resources to Support Site Visits

The documents below are for Local Health Department (LHD) and Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) consultants only. Please utilize these to support implementation of VFC and IQIP site visits.

Pre-Visit Documents

Preparation Checklists

VFC Frequently Used Reviewer Tools

VFC/PEAR-Specific Resources

IQIP-Specific Resources

IQIP New Consultant Training Resources

  • Coming soon for Project Year 6 (2024-2025)     

Quality Improvement Strategy Discussion Prompts

Post-Visit Resources