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Immunization Waiver Information

In December, 2014, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules approved a new educational requirement for Michigan parents opting their children out of getting vaccinated before entering school.

The new rule allows parents/guardians to have the opportunity to speak with a health educator from their local health department about their concerns and questions regarding immunizations prior to the nonmedical waiver being signed. 

Any parent/guardian who wants to claim a nonmedical waiver will need to receive education regarding the benefits of vaccination and the risks of disease from a county health department before obtaining the certified nonmedical waiver form through the Local Health Department. The new rule requires the use of the State of Michigan nonmedical waiver form dated January 2023.

MDHHS Communicable and Related Diseases Administrative Rules

The State School Aid Act of 1979

Required Immunizations for Childcare, Preschool, and School Entry


Schools and Childcare Centers

Health Care Providers

Local Health Departments