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Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Michigan - Annual Summaries

In the U.S., vaccination programs have eliminated or significantly reduced many vaccine-preventable diseases. However, these diseases still exist and can once again become common-and deadly-if vaccination coverage does not continue at high levels.


For more information about diseases and the vaccines that prevent them
Eyes of child with measles


The documents listed below are yearly summaries of vaccine-preventable diseases reported to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), for the years 1995 through 2014. These documents were prepared for health care professionals; however, they are available for anyone who has an interest in this information.

Summary of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPDs) Reported to MDHHS, 2021


child with pertussisBoy with measles, third day rashchild with broken blood vessels in eyes and bruising on face due to pertussis coughingA young child with mumps

Past Summaries: 1995-2020