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2009 Medicaid Policy Bulletins

Policy Bulletins

This page contains policy bulletins issued in 2009. 

For other years of approved Medicaid Policy Bulletins, click here. 

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 Archived Proposed Medicaid Policy Distributed for Public Comment and Consultation Summaries

 with your request. Please identify the project number of the proposed Medicaid policy or consultation summary if known. If this information is unknown, reference the month, year, and subject of the bulletin or the consultation summary in your request. The documents will be e-mailed to you.msadraftpolicy@michigan.govArchived proposed Medicaid policy distributed for public comment and consultation summaries are available electronically upon request. If you would like to view historical versions of proposed Medicaid policy that were released for public comment or you would like to obtain a consultation summary of any bulletin, e-mail

 NOTE: Comments will not be accepted for proposed Medicaid policy after the public comment period has closed.

Issue Date Bulletin Number


January 1, 2010 MSA 09-65 Coverage of Occupational Therapy Services in a Physician's Office
December 30, 2009 MSA 09-59 Home Help Provider Wage Increase
December 21, 2009 MSA 09-66 Citizenship Verification for Medical Assistance
December 15, 2009 MSA 09-64 January 1, 2010 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Code Updates
December 8, 2009 MSA 09-63 Outpatient Prospective Payment System Reduction Factor
December 8, 2009 MSA 09-62 Public Act 131 of 2009 Medicaid Provider Rate Reductions
December 8, 2009 MSA 09-58 Change in Standard Dispensing Fee Reimbursement
December 1, 2009 MSA 09-61 Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) Grouper Update, DRG Rate Update and Per Diem Rate Rebasing
December 1, 2009 MSA 09-60 Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual
November 10, 2009 MSA 09-56 MI Choice Waiver Waiting List - Revised
November 3, 2009 MSA 09-57 Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Payment Agreement Changes and Benefit Reductions
October 16, 2009 MSA 09-55 Medicaid Cost Reporting for Medicaid Leave Days - Hospital
October 5, 2009 MSA 09-52 Pharmacy Vaccine Administration Reimbursement
October 5, 2009 MSA 09-51 Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS) National Provider Identifier (NPI) Editing for Fee-for-Service (FFS) Billing and Rendering/Servicing Providers
October 1, 2009 MSA 09-54 Elimination of the Categories for Approved Enteral Formulae Product List, End Dating coverage for five Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes, Adding Prior Authorization Requirements for HCPCS code E0621, and Changing Penny Screen on the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) Database
October 1, 2009 MSA 09-53 October Sanctioned Provider Update
September 24, 2009 MSA 09-50 Coverage and Reimbursement of the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) monovalent vaccine
September 1, 2009 MSA 09-49 Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual; Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Code Changes
September 1, 2009 MSA 09-47 MI Choice Waiver Waiting List
August 25, 2009 MSA 09-48 Discontinuance of Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Billing Through MI AuthentiCare, Implementation of PDN Direct Billing in the Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS)
August 18, 2009 MSA 09-46 Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS) Implementation Update
August 1, 2009 MSA 09-45 Reminder on Beneficiary Pharmacy Insurance Deductible, Coinsurance, Co-Pays, and Premiums
August 1, 2009 MSA 09-43 Special Payments to County Medical Care Facilities
August 1, 2009 MSA 09-42 Sanctioned Providers Update
August 1, 2009 MSA 09-41 Discontinuance of Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Billing Through MI AuthentiCare, Implementation of PDN Direct Billing, and Changes to Service Log
July 24, 2009 MSA 09-44 Inpatient Hospital Payment Reduction
July 23, 2009 MSA 09-39 Rate Restoration for Hospice Services
July 15, 2009 MSA 09-40 Selection of Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Ceiling Calculation Option
July 1, 2009 MSA 09-38 Elimination of 90-Day SSA Approval for RSDI
July 1, 2009 MSA 09-36 Extension of Hearing Aid Volume Purchase Contract
July 1, 2009 MSA 09-35 Change to Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) Medical Renewal Period
June 26, 2009 MSA 09-37 Rescinding Executive Order 2009-22 Rate Reduction
June 18, 2009 MSA 09-33 Re-Admission of Beneficiaries on Hospital Leave Prior to a Denial of Payment for New Admissions (DPNA)
June 16, 2009 MSA 09-34 Rescind bulletin MSA 09-21 and Clarifications to the School Based Services and School Based Services Random Moment Time Study Medicaid Provider Manual Chapters
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-32 Home Help Provider Agency Policy Clarification
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-31 Sanctioned Providers Update
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-30 Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS) Implementation Update
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-29 Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-28 Eliminating Certain Medicaid Benefits for Medicaid Beneficiaries age 21 and older, and Medicaid Provider Fee Reductions
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-27 New Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Procedure Code Coverage and an Adjustment to the Fee Screen for Essure Hysteroscopic Sterilization provided in the Office Setting
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-26 Medicaid Processing and Payment of Nursing Facility Claims for Co-Insurance Days for Beneficiaries with Medicare Advantage Plan Coverage
June 1, 2009 MSA 09-25 Clarification of Medicaid (MA) Eligibility Language in the Program Eligibility Manual (PEM)
May 15, 2009 MSA 09-24 Executive Order 2009-22 Eliminating Funding for the Single Point of Entry (Long-Term Care Connection) Demonstration Project
May 1, 2009 MSA 09-23 Dental Periodicity Schedule
May 1, 2009 MSA 09-22 Establishment of Consent Form Submission and New Documentation Categories through Claim Documentation EZ Link
May 1, 2009 MSA 09-21 Revisions to the School Based Services and School Based Services Random Moment Time Study Medicaid Provider Manual Chapters
May 1, 2009 MSA 09-20 Medicare Enrollment for Providers of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies Reminder
April 21, 2009 MSA 09-19 $5 Million Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Pool
April 1, 2009 MSA 09-18 Prior Authorization of Children's Waiver Services - Environmental Accessibility Adaptations and Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
April 1, 2009 MSA 09-17 Pharmacy Beneficiary Eligibility Verification
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-16 February 2009 Sanctioned Provider Update
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-15 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) U4 Modifier for Certain Durable Medical Equipment for Beneficiaries Under the Age of 21; Coverage for New HCPCS Procedure Code - K0739
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-14 Medicaid Eligibility Policy Updates
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-13 Updates to the Medicaid Provider Manual
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-12 Change in Standard Dispensing Fee Reimbursement
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-11 Correction to Bulletin MSA 09-03
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-10 Adult Benefits Waiver (ABW) Enrollment
March 1, 2009 MSA 09-09 Change in Billing and Reimbursement Policy for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Speech-Language Therapy
February 11, 2009 MSA 09-08 Fiscal Year 2009 Outpatient Uncompensated Care Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Pool
February 1, 2009 MSA 09-07 Clarifications, Revisions and Provider Reinstatement for School Based Services
February 1, 2009 MSA 09-06 Medicaid Access to Care Initiative (MACI) Payment Schedule (MSA 08-16 Retraction)
January 1, 2009 MSA 09-05 MIHP and MHP Care Coordination Agreement
January 1, 2009 MSA 09-04 Eligibility Verification System (EVS) - Automated Voice Response System (AVRS) Fee Change
January 1, 2009 MSA 09-03 Volume Purchase Contract for Hearing Aids
January 1, 2009 MSA 09-02 January 2009 Sanctioned Provider Update