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Medicaid Policy Bulletins - 2000 and 2001
NOTE: This page contains Medicaid Policy Bulletins issued between November 2000 and December 2001.
For other years of approved Medicaid Policy Bulletins, click here.
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Issue Date | Bulletin Number | Subject |
December 1, 2001 | FPC 01-06 | Family Planning Clinics Revised/New CPT Codes |
December 1, 2001 | HHA 01-06 | Home Health Uniform Billing Revised Chapter IV Procedure Code Appendix |
December 1, 2001 | LTC 01-08 | Implementation of FY2002 Rates for Class I and Class II Providers; Executive Order 2001-9 |
December 1, 2001 | MSA 01-29 | Pharmacy Prior Authorization Expansion and Requirements |
December 1, 2001 | MSA 01-30 | Reporting Prescriber ID |
December 1, 2001 | Pharmacy 01-06 | Pharmacy Manual, Chapter III |
November 1, 2001 | Medical Supplier 01-07 | Medical Suppliers Uniform Billing Changes |
November 1, 2001 | MSA 01-22 | Corrections/Clarifications to Vision Uniform Billing |
November 1, 2001 | MSA 01-23 | Uniform Billing, Revisions for Chapter IV, Billing and Reimbursement for Ancillary Services |
November 1, 2001 | MSA 01-24 | New Procedure Codes for Augmentive Communications Devices (ACDs): New Procedure Codes for ACD Evaluation |
November 1, 2001 | MSA 01-26 | New HCPCS Procedure Codes for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition; New Parameters for Coverage Without Prior Authorization; Medical Criteria for Coverage of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition |
October 15, 2001 | MSA 01-28 | Terms of Service and Payment Between Non-Contracting Hospitals and Medicaid Health Plans |
October 1, 2001 | AP 01-10 | Electronic Funds Transfer |
October 1, 2001 | BE 01-02 | Individual Development Accounts |
October 1, 2001 | BE 01-03 | Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Treatment Programs |
October 1, 2001 | MSA 01-27 | Distribution of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Funds, Annual Report, New Formulas, Weighting Factors, Three-Year Phase In, GME Innovation Grants |
September 1, 2001 | MSA 01-21 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
September 1, 2001 | Pharmacy 01-03 | Pharmacy Coordination of Benefits |
August 13, 2001 | Hospital 01-15 | Outpatient Hospital Adjustor Pool for FY 00/01 |
August 1, 2001 | AP 01-05 | All Provider Chapter II - Eligibility |
August 1, 2001 | AP 01-08 | Explanation Code Appendix |
August 1, 2001 | MSA 01-14 | Medicaid's Outpatient Hospital Proprietary Claim Format MSA-1649 and MSA-1649A |
August 1, 2001 | MSA 01-17 | Blood Lead Poisoning Follow-up |
August 1, 2001 | MSA 01-20 | Uniform Billing Project, Chapter IV (Billing and Reimbursement) for Professional Services Billed on the HCFA 1500 |
July 15, 2001 | LTC 01-05 | Nursing Home Quality Incentive Program |
July 13, 2001 | MSA 01-19 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
July 1, 2001 | Medical Supplier 01-03 | Removal of Prior Authorization of External Ambulatory Infusion Pump (Insulin) and Related Supplies |
July 1, 2001 | MSA 01-15 | HCFA 1500/837 Professional Claim Format Effective Date |
May 16, 2001 | MSA 01-13 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
May 15, 2001 | MSA 01-12 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
May 1, 2001 | Chiropractors -01-03 | Uniform Billing Project, Elimination of Local Code, Conversion to Calendar Year Billing Cycle |
May 1, 2001 | MSA 01-10 | Enhanced Reimbursement for Medicaid Deliveries |
May 1, 2001 | Dental 01-01 | Funding of Teaching and Other Administrative Costs for Public Dental Schools; Development of Specialized Programs; Cost Reporting; Other Reports |
April 30, 2001 | MSA 01-11 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
April 15, 2001 | Family Planning Clinics 01-03 | New Procedure Code for Family Planning Clinics |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-03 | Required Hospital Service Provision; DRG and Per Diem Equivalent Payments; Outpatient Services; Prompt Payment; Binding Arbitration; Policy Clarification |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-04 | Uniform Billing Project for Ambulance Providers |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-05 | Revised List of Diagnosis Codes for Emergency Ambulance Transport |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-06 | Uniform Billing Changes New Laboratory Policy |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-07 | Policy to Recognize Medical Direction for Anesthesia Services, Direct Enrollment and Reimbursement of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-08 | Uniform Billing Changes for Vision Services |
April 1, 2001 | MSA 01-09 | Changes for Practitioners Related to Adoption of Uniform Billing and RVU Based Fee Schedule |
April 1, 2001 | All Provider 01-04 | Sanctioned Providers |
April 1, 2001 | Local Health Departments 01-01 | Blood Lead Poisoning Follow-Up Services |
March 16, 2001 | Medical Suppliers 01-02 | Procedure Code Updates |
March 1, 2001 | All Provider 01-02 | Distribution of Draft Policy, Final Policy, MPC Manuals, Fee Screens, Department Web site |
March 1, 2001 | All Provider 01-03 | Maternity Outpatient Medical Services Program |
March 1, 2001 | Medical Suppliers 01-01 | Accreditation Requirements for Orthotists and Prosthetists (Provider Type 85); Coverage of Custom-made Orthotics and Prosthetics Appliances |
February 15, 2001 | LTC 01-02 | Implementation of FY 2001 Rate Increase/Continuation of Wage Pass-Through |
February 1, 2001 | MSA 01-02 | Prescribing/Referring Provider List |
February 1, 2001 | Beneficiary Eligibility 01-01 | Michigan TMA |
February 1, 2001 | Vision 01-02 | Removal of Prior Approval for Specified Vision Services/Hardware Items; Revised Address and FAX Number for Ordering DCH-0893 Form; Revised Address for Submission of DCH-0893 Form; Future Billing Process |
January 1, 2001 | LTC 00-05 | Nursing Facility Leave Days |
January 1, 2001 | MSA 01-01 | Uniform Billing - Revised Chapter 4 |
January 1, 2001 | MSA 00-13 | Current List of School Based/School Linked Health Centers Certified to Bill Medicaid Qualified Health Plans |
January 1, 2001 | School Based Services 00-01 | New Procedure Codes for Health and Ancillary Services |
December 15, 2000 | Hospital 01-01 | Special Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Pool for Psychiatric Residency Training |
December 1, 2000 | MSA 00-10 | Clarification of Mental Health Services Responsibilities |
December 1, 2000 | MSA 00-12 | Physician Emergency Room Case Rate |
November 1, 2000 | MSA 00-11 | Federally Qualified Health Center Manual Revision |
July 1, 2000 | All Provider 00-07 | Medical Exceptions to Mandatory Enrollment in a Qualified Health Plan |