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Affidavit of Parentage

Affidavit of Parentage

Affidavit of Parentage

Affidavit of Parentage

Effective March 31, 2003, Michigan law restricts who can receive a certified copy of an Affidavit of Parentage record. The Michigan Vital Records office has Affidavit of Parentage records that were properly filed and registered in the Central Paternity Registry since June 1, 1997. If the Affidavit of Parentage form you are requesting was filed prior to June 1, 1997, please contact the Probate Court in the county where the mother resided at the time of signing, or the Probate Court in the county where the child was born.

Affidavit of Parentage Verification

Key facts on any Michigan Affidavit of Parentage record can be verified. Anyone is eligible to request a verification of a Michigan Affidavit of Parentage record as long as the information to be verified can be supplied by the applicant. A verification does not include a signature, state file number or a copy of the Affidavit of Parentage record, but a stamp that indicates that a record is/is not on file in the state repository that matches the criteria supplied by the applicant. Parents names cannot be verified. Only the name on the record, date, place and date of filing can be verified.  Photo ID not required.

Verification of Intent to Claim Paternity (Putative Father Registry)

Submitting this form will produce a search of the Michigan Putative Father Registry to determine whether or not a paternity claim has been registered for a particular mother-to-be. Anyone is eligible to request a verification of a Michigan Notice of Intent as long as the information to be verified can be supplied by the applicant. A verification of a Notice of Intent to Claim Paternity will include a signature of the searcher who performed the search and the date, but will not include a copy of the notice of intent to claim paternity form. The form will indicate whether or not an intent has been filed, and the results can be faxed or mailed to the applicant (or both).  Photo ID not required.