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PHE Unwind Policy Crosswalk

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is planning for the federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19, declared under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act, to expire at the end of the day on May 11, 2023. During the federal COVID-19 PHE, changes were made to Michigan Medicaid program eligibility, administration, and policies to ease rules for providers and prevent Medicaid beneficiaries from losing healthcare coverage.  Many of these changes were made consistent with approved federal authority tied to the PHE.  Michigan has begun the process of unwinding these policies enacted during the PHE and will continue the unwind process as the authority for these policies expires.

The COVID-19 Policy Crosswalk table identifies Medicaid COVID-19 response bulletins and L letters issued and crosswalks to the unwind bulletins or L letters that change or impact the bulletin or letter. The table will be updated frequently as new policies and letters are issued.  After the table is a description of each column in the table.     Crosswalk Walkthrough Video

COVID-19 Policy Crosswalk
Rev. 5/12/23

Column Descriptions

Impacted COVID-19 Response Policy PHE Unwind Policy Action PHE Unwind Policy Summary Affected Providers PHE Unwind Policy Effective Date PHE Unwind Policy Issue Date
MSA 20-28 MMP 22-38 Reinstatement of Provider Enrollment Requirements All Providers 12/1/22 11/1/22
MSA 20-14, MSA 20-25, MSA 20-32, MSA 20-35, MSA 20-62 MMP 22-40 Reversal of Temporary COVID-19 Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Medical Supplies (DMEPOS) Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies Providers, Hospitals, Practitioners, Pharmacies, Medicaid Health Plans, Integrated Care Organizations 12/1/22 11/1/22
MSA 20-17, MSA 20-49, MSA 20-81 MMP 22-41 Extension of COVID-19 Related Cost-Sharing Exemptions and Practitioner Reimbursement Rates Until September 30, 2024 All Providers 5/12/23 12/29/22
MSA 20-76 MMP 23-09 End Application of the Exemption to 85% Occupancy Limitation for Tier II CR Facilities Nursing Facilities 3/1/23 1/23/23
MSA 20-13, MSA 20-15, MSA 20-21, MSA 20-22, MSA 20-34, MSA 20-42, MSA 20-53 MMP 23-10 Telemedicine Policy Post-COVID-19 Public Health Emergency All Providers 5/12/23 3/2/23
MSA 20-23, L 21-25, L 21-47 MMP 22-53 Reinstatement of Non-Emergency Transportation Requirements Bridges Eligibility Manual and Bridges Administrative Manual Holders, Medicaid Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Contractor 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-12, MSA 20-30, MSA 20-42, MSA 20-58 MMP 23-20 Ending of Temporary Face-to-Face Flexibilities and Implementation of New Definitions of Face-to-Face and In-Person All Providers 5/12/23 4/12/23
MSA 20-12 MMP 23-17 Maternal Infant Health Program Telehealth Maternal Infant Health Program Providers, Local Health Departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Clinics, Tribal Health Clinics 5/12/23 4/10/23
MSA 20-18 MMP 23-27 Hospital Transfers and Related Transportation (ending 5/12/2023) All Providers 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-52, MSA 20-57, MSA 20-74, MSA 21-03, MSA 21-50 MMP 23-24 Extension of COVID-19 Specimen Collection Reimbursement and COVID-19 Laboratory Testing Practitioners, Pharmacies, Outpatient Hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Local Health Departments, Rural Health Clinics, Independent Diagnostic Laboratories, Medicaid Health Plans, Integrated Care Organizations, Tribal Health Centers, Tribal Federally Qualified Health Centers 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-75, MSA 21-42, L 22-04 MMP 23-26 Extension of Separate Reimbursement of COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Services Provided by a Federally Qualified Health Center, Rural Health Clinic, and Tribal Health Center When No Other Eligible Qualifying Clinic Visit is Provided on the Same Date of Service Federally Qualified Health Centers, Rural Health Centers, Tribal Health Centers, Tribal Federally Qualified Health Centers, Medicaid Health Plans, Integrated Care Organization 5/12/23 4/7/23
L 20-19, L 20-43, L 20-70, L 21-18, L 21-19, L 21-36, L 21-37, L 21-57, L 21-66 L 23-23 Ending of LOCD Flexibilities Nursing Facilities, Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly Providers, MI Choice Providers, MI Health Link Providers 5/12/23 3/30/23
MSA 20-27, MSA 20-66, MSA 20-72, MSA 20-73, MSA 20-77, MSA 20-78, MSA 20-79, MSA 21-01, MSA 21-40, L 21-85, L 22-03, L 22-41, L 22-52 MMP 23-27 Continuing CRC/CRF Policies Nursing Facilities 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-40, MSA 20-75 MMP 23-28 Ending of Emergency Services Only (ESO) Non-Emergency Follow-Up Services Practitioners, Outpatient Hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Local Health Departments, Rural Health Clinics, Pharmacies, Laboratories 5/12/23 4/12/23
MSA 20-14, MSA 20-25, MSA 20-32, MSA 20-35, MSA 20-62 MMP 23-27 Ending of Durable Medical Equipment/Prosthetic, Orthotics and Supplies Flexibilities Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies Providers, Hospitals, Physicians, Pharmacies, Medicaid Health Plans, Integrated Care Organizations, Home Health Agencies, Hospice Agencies 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-19, MSA 21-26 MMP 23-30 Eligibility Closures Bridges Eligibility Manual Holders 7/1/23 4/20/23
MSA 20-37, MSA 21-14 MMP 23-29 Eligibility Renewals Bridges Eligibility Manual Holders 6/1/23 5/1/23
L 20-33 L 23-19 Ending of EPSDT Well Child Visit via Telemedicine All Providers 5/12/23 3/21/23
L 20-20 L 23-31 Extend Temporary Pharmacy Flexibility until 9/30/2023 Pharmacies, Practitioners, Clinics, Outpatient Hospitals 5/12/23 4/20/23
HASA 22-02, MMP 22-29, L 22-04 MMP 23-27 Extension of Pharmacy Flexibilities for COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Counseling All Providers 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 21-17 MMP 23-27 Extension of Coverage and Reimbursement of EUA mAb COVID-19 Infusions Provided by EMS Providers Ambulance Providers, Hospitals, Practitioners, Federally Qualified Health Centers, Home Health Providers, Local Health Departments, Nursing Facilities, Pharmacies, Rural Health Clinics, Tribal Health Centers 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 21-21 MMP 23-27 Extension of Coverage and Reimbursement of EUA mAb COVID-19 Infusions Provided by Home Health Agencies Home Health Agencies 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-41 MMP 23-22 Ending of Home Health, PDN, and Hospice Virtual Supervisory Visits; Ending of Some PDN Prior Authorization Flexibilities Home Health, Hospice, Private Duty Nursing 5/12/23 4/7/23
MSA 20-24, MSA 21-07, MSA 21-12 MMP 23-21 Ending of Temporary COVID-19 Policies Related to Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) All Providers 5/12/23 4/7/23
L 20-59 L 23-28 End Special Processing of LOCD Door "0" between 12/3/2019 and 2/29/2020 Nursing Facilities 5/12/23 4/10/23
L 20-39 L 23-29 End Waiver of MI Choice Provider Monitoring Requirements MI Choice Waiver Agencies 5/12/23 4/13/23
L 20-24, L 20-25, L 20-32, L 20-65, L 21-33 L 23-32 Nursing Facility COVID-19 Reporting Requirements Nursing Facilities 5/12/23 4/20/23
MSA 20-16, L 20-44 MMP 23-34 Reversal of Temporary COVID-19 Options for the Use of Nursing Facility Beds Nursing Facilities 5/12/23 5/11/23
B 20-06, B 20-07, L 20-23, L 20-26, L 20-27, L 20-28, L 20-31, L 20-40, L 20-42, L 20-45, L 20-52, L 20-53, L 20-55, L 20-62, L 20-66, L 20-67, L 21-02, L 21-03, L 21-08, L 21-11, L 21-20, L 21-27, L 21-28, L 21-29, L 21-30, L 21-39, L 21-60, L 21-61, L 21-70, L 21-73, L 21-74, L 21-76, L 21-84, L 22-29, MSA 20-36, MSA 20-61, MSA 21-04, MSA 21-06, MSA 21-10, MSA 21-43, HASA 22-04, MMP 22-35


Impacted COVID-19 Response Policy: COVID-19 response policies and L letters that were issued during the public health emergency. 

PHE Unwind Policy Action: policies and L letters are (1) in process, (2) out for public comment as a proposed policy or (3) issued as a final bulletin or L letter to unwind various COVID-19 response policies that were issued during the PHE.

PHE Unwind Policy Summary: a high-level description of each PHE Unwind policy or L letter.

Affected Providers: list of the Medicaid providers affected by this PHE unwind action.

PHE Unwind Policy Effective Date: the effective date of each PHE unwind action.

PHE Unwind Policy Issue Date: date each PHE unwind policy or L letter was issued. The policy or L letter has not yet been issued if the date is blank.

No Action Required: list of COVID-19 response policies and L letters that do not require PHE unwind action.