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Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal Influenza

information about avoiding, identifying and managing seasonal influenza.

Clinical Signs, Symptoms, and Complications of Influenza

Fifth Guy Campaign

Infection Control for Individuals and Families

Infection Control for Kids

Infection Control for Schools

Infection Control in Health Care Settings

Influenza Activity and Surveillance

Introduction to Michigan Influenza Surveillance

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) determines influenza activity based on many sources of information including data from the MDHHS laboratory, influenza sentinel physicians, sentinel laboratories, Michigan Disease Surveillance System (MDSS) disease reports, and MDHHS syndromic surveillance.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

New Media Resources on Infection Control

Seasonal Influenza

Seasonal influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Seasonal influenza outbreaks occur every year. The MDHHS Seasonal Influenza Web Page has information on influenza activity, influenza vaccination, and resources for specific groups including health professionals and clinical laboratories.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Supply Q & A

Questions and Answers on Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Supply during the 2009-2010 Influenza Season

Stay Healthy This Flu Season! Guidelines and Resources on Infection Control and Hand Hygiene

Guidelines and Resources on Infection Control

Who Should get Vaccine

Transmission and Prevention of Influenza

Influenza viruses are spread when a person who has influenza coughs, sneezes, or speaks, releasing viruses into the air and other people inhale the viruses. When these viruses enter the nose, throat, or lungs of a person, they begin to multiply, causing disease. The viruses can also be spread when a person touches a surface with flu viruses on it (for example, a door handle) and then touches his or her nose or mouth.

Where to Get Vaccine

What to do if You Get Sick / Treatments

If you catch influenza, get plenty of rest, drink a lot of liquids, and avoid using alcohol and tobacco. Also, you can take medications to relieve the symptoms of flu (but never give aspirin to ill children or teenagers without first speaking to your doctor). If, however, your flu symptoms are unusually severe (for example, if you are having trouble breathing), you should contact your health-care provider right away. If you are at special risk from complications of flu, you should consult your health-care provider when your flu symptoms begin. This includes people 65 years of age or older, people with chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, or children. Your doctor may choose to use certain antiviral drugs to treat the flu.

Influenza Vaccine Exchange Network