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MDOT planning to reconfigure M-99 in Albion

Fast facts:
- MDOT is proposing to reconfigure a portion of M-99 in Albion to two lanes with a center left-turn lane.
- The project is tentatively planned for this spring.
- An
MDOT YouTube video explains the project.

March 8, 2021 -- The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is planning a project in the spring to refresh pavement markings in the city of Albion. As part of this project, MDOT is considering reconfiguring the layout of M-99 (Michigan Avenue) between Ionia Street and Mingo Street. The lane configuration throughout this section varies from two lanes in each direction to one lane with on-street parking.

Existing pavement markings do not clearly delineate lanes and parking, and the proposed project will clearly define the lane reconfiguration. There will be one 12-foot travel lane in each direction, a 12-foot center left-turn lane, and 6-foot shoulders in each direction. The on-street parking will be removed.

Having only one lane in each direction reduces speeding and dangerous weaving behavior. With fewer lanes to watch for oncoming traffic, drivers will have an easier time turning onto Michigan Avenue from side streets, and adding a center left-turn lane reduces delays on Michigan Avenue.

Providing a consistent lane configuration will improve safety for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The proposed lane configuration provides a wide shoulder as a buffer between cars and pedestrians on the sidewalk, and also offers fewer travel lanes for pedestrians to cross.

The project is explained in an MDOT YouTube video. MDOT will be taking comments from the public until March 22. Comment forms are available online, or you can e-mail Zach Bratschi at the MDOT Marshall Transportation Service Center at