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Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering

A stone monument depicts men and women hiding other men and women in a building.

Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering

2024-09-21T12:30:00Z 2024-09-21T19:30:00Z Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering

The Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering, hosted by the Michigan Freedom Trail Commission, is an annual conference for individuals, organizations and communities interested in our state’s Underground Railroad heritage. Building off previous gatherings, the 2024 conference will provide opportunities for learning and networking through keynote speakers, workshops, and group and individual presentations.

The theme for this year’s gathering is "Working toward Freedom: Occupations and the Underground Railroad." Hosted at the Michigan History Center in Lansing, the conference will explore how certain occupations provided people with greater opportunity to be involved in assisting freedom seekers: hotel keepers and staff, tavern keepers, toll gate keepers, barbers, pastors and denominational official, even farmers. Those who worked at key locations, in places where information was exchanged or traveled regularly often played vital roles in the Underground Railroad.

Registration costs $12 and covers the cost of lunch. Register on Eventbrite.

The Michigan Freedom Trail Commission preserves, protects and promotes the rich legacy of the Underground Railroad and the antislavery movement in Michigan.

702 W. Kalamazoo Street, Lansing, Michigan, 48915
Event Date

Start: September 21, 2024 8:30 AM

End: September 21, 2024 3:30 PM

Contact Information
Sheri Giffin

Executive Secretary

The Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering, hosted by the Michigan Freedom Trail Commission, is an annual conference for individuals, organizations and communities interested in our state’s Underground Railroad heritage. Building off previous gatherings, the 2024 conference will provide opportunities for learning and networking through keynote speakers, workshops, and group and individual presentations.

The theme for this year’s gathering is "Working toward Freedom: Occupations and the Underground Railroad." Hosted at the Michigan History Center in Lansing, the conference will explore how certain occupations provided people with greater opportunity to be involved in assisting freedom seekers: hotel keepers and staff, tavern keepers, toll gate keepers, barbers, pastors and denominational official, even farmers. Those who worked at key locations, in places where information was exchanged or traveled regularly often played vital roles in the Underground Railroad.

Registration costs $12 and covers the cost of lunch. Register on Eventbrite.

The Michigan Freedom Trail Commission preserves, protects and promotes the rich legacy of the Underground Railroad and the antislavery movement in Michigan.