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March 27, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission
March 27th, 2024
Williams Building, Lansing, MI


Called to Order:

Chairwoman, Melissa Palepu, called meeting to order at 12:42pm.

Members Present:

  • Melissa Palepu
  • Jonathan Walden
  • Michael Draminski
  • Hon. Lisa McCormick
  • Katie Papke
  • Jeff Getting
  • Ben O’Hearn
  • Leslie King
  • Tiffany Martinez

Not in attendance:

  • Alice Johnson


Agenda Item:

Call to order and Welcome. Chairwoman Melissa Palepu welcomed Commission members and the public. New board member, Tiffany Martinez was welcomed and introduced herself. Tiffany Martinez is from MDHHS victim services, most of her work prior was providing all types of service for victim of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual abuse, etc. She oversees an anti-trafficking board. Melissa Palepu welcomed those both in person and online, she asked for those attending online to put their email/information in the chat.


Agenda Item:

Roll Call. Diana Almusowi took roll call of the Commission Members.


Agenda Item: 

Action Item: Approval of the Minutes from January 29th, 2024: Melissa Palepu had asked if there were Michael Draminski commented one error on page two, he was listed as complaint manager and that would need to be changed to compliance. Melissa Palepu noted that correction to be fixed. There was a requestion for motion to approve, motion granted, all in favor and none opposed.


Agenda Item:

Report of the Commission Chair: Melissa Palepu gave her report. She stated that there are certain rules that the commission must abide by and accomplish every year. She stated Tiffany Martinez is a great resource for information and will be very useful in all committees in the commission. Melissa Palepu stated that there are four missing board members, she was asking for those to pass on that information if they knew anyone that would meet the criteria and be interested. Positions that are missing are a designee from the governor, two from speaker of the house and one chief of police. She stated she will be mailing out a letter to get that information out there to see who would be interested in joining.

Melissa Palepu began to inform those in attendance what has occurred since January. She has been attempting to get more people to come to the meetings, which is reflected of those in attendance is much higher than it was in the January meeting. The next goal would be to have fifty people in attendance at the meetings. She has been going to many different agencies like government agencies, advocacy groups, etc., to find people who are excited for this mission and who would like to join the commission.  She stated it is important that the commission is united with all the groups out there, as the commission should be a resource and a central place for information. Statute in Michigan complied laws 752.971 states that the Human Trafficking Commission lists all that we must do and requirements that need to be met. People outside the board and statutory appointments can assist/join the committee. A report must be written at the end of the year that informs the governor what all has been done with the commission during the year, the goals are listed as 2024-2025.

In addition, Melissa Palepu had reached out to fiscal regarding funding. The commission does get some funding, currently there is 46,800k in the account. She stated that is not enough to cover all expenses, but it is a very good starting point, as it was believed that the commission does not have any funding. Melissa Palepu had asked where the money came from, if the commission gets money from legislation, she stated they had informed here that the money must have come from grants, donations, in the past. She stated we cannot rely on legislation to provide funds for the commission. She was also informed that the board members cannot be compensated for their time, but they can be reimbursed for things like mileage. She stated they had informed her that the reimbursement would follow state produces and the bylaws do not mention anything about reimbursement. She stated she will investigate that more relating to finances and payment for programs that we plan to do.


Agenda Item:

Action Item: Committee Reports: Melissa Palepu began to discuss that the commission is broken down into 6 sections and a brief overview was given for each section. Melissa Palepu was proposing potential goals to be approved for each section.

Grant committee is designed to find grants, apply, and obtain money for the commission. The goal would be to reach 50k for programs this year, the potential programs would be podcasts, literature, PSA, booths at events.

Data collection and research is designed to research human trafficking in Michigan and collect that data. The goal would be to create a survey to send to multiple agencies like law enforcement, hospitals, schools and anywhere else where information could be obtained. The survey would ask what the extent of human trafficking is in Michigan and the extent of awareness of resources that are available. This survey would assist the commission to determine what area the commission needs to focus on and where resources need to be allocated.

Training and education are designed to train law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, health care providers, social service providers and others on human trafficking as well as provide them additional resources and information. The goal would be to create an education program for school age children discussing things like the dangers of social media, this could be implemented into school programs already taught at the schools like their health education class. Another goal would be to create a labor trafficking training for law enforcement, prosecuting attorneys, to inform what exactly labor trafficking entails. There is not much information on this section of human trafficking and hopefully, eventually, this training can be for the public. Another goal would be to update all the training currently on the website to ensure they are accurate and best practice. The website should show training for every aspect of life like banking, hotels, service providers, small business owners, court personnel, prosecuting attorneys, health care providers, etc.

Public awareness is designed to create material for the public to get more information out and readily available. The goal would be to create a PSA and make a logo contest to be had in schools for school aged/ college children. The commission can provide a monetary school for who wins it. Additional information will be needed to see what more is required to create this contest, the AG has already approved this idea, however.

Victim services is designed to get as many contacts for resources as possible that can be provided for victims. The goal would be to renew existing services and establishing programs to make victims more aware of the services available. This would entail finding all resources available in both Michigan and federally to be put on the website. There can be a section on their dedicated to these resources and this can be put in the report for legislature.

Policy and legislation are designed to review laws and rules and recommend new laws and rules. The goal would be to find all relevant laws in Michigan and federally, and then upload them to the website. In addition, it would be to evaluate all o them and to see where improvements can be made. Not only would Michigan be evaluated independently, but in comparison to other states and other countries to see who has the best practice.

Melissa Palepu would like to create letters and send the sign-up genius to for anyone to join sub committees.

Melissa Palepu opened the floor for any comments. There were no additional comments on the proposed goals. Michael Draminski made a motion to accept. Honorable Lisa McCormick seconded the motion. Everyone was in favor of the goals, none opposed. These goals have been officially adopted by the commission.

Melissa Palepu introduced Veronique Tu. She introduced her as an individual who works at a law firm that would like to offer pro bono work for the education program section of the committee. There is an agreement her law firm has regarding pro bono work that would need to be signed. Melissa Palepu stated anyone may ask anything they like regarding concerns of the engagement letter that would need to be signed.

Veronique Tu stated she does not anticipate any expenses regarding any work she may do, it does state in the agreement letter that should need approval from the commission before spending any money, however, she does not expect any funds. She stated she is here to help regarding education and training and is open to discusses with school board about programs that may be implemented in schools. She stated she has contacts that can assist the commission in terms of public awareness. She stated on her law firm website she does not need to say she has volunteered with the commission if the commission said they would like her to omit it. She stated in terms of conflict of interest, her firm mainly represents hospitality companies, and she is more aware of any human trafficking issues that would be involved.

Melissa Palepu stated she does not want the commission listed on Ms. Tu’s law firm’s website, so there is no misinformation about the commission. Melissa Palepu stated the bylaws are vague if an attorney outside can work with the commission as the letter refers to Ms. Tu as legal representation. Ms. Tu stated she can contact her law firm about changing the language in the letter.

Honorable Lisa McCormick stated she also has an issue with the statement of legal representation words being used. She stated she is concerned regarding the verbiage and her position as a judge, and didn’t want to vote with that verbiage being used. She stated the public perception of someone reading that letter may lead to misinformation.

Lady Tee Thompson (member of the public) had also stated an issue with the verbiage of legal representation and that the pro bono language could be stipulated. She stated if there can be some statement in the letter about Ms. Tu volunteering her knowledge rather than representing. Ms. Thompson had also inquired, separately, if there is any requirement for people on the subcommittee to be trauma informed.

Veronique Tu had stated she understands that everyone needs to be protected and she will need to work with her own team to see if anything legal will be done relating to work she may do, then there will need to be a letter. She stated she will follow up with her team regarding this.

Katia Papke stated her questions were asked and answered regarding the letter.

Denise Weston suggested a volunteer form to go out to everyone as most individuals interested in the commission work at a company. This would help in drawing the boundary that these individuals are volunteering and not working in a professional sense. In a sense, it could be seen as a waiver so no one could be held liable.

Melissa Palepu stated that something can be created such as a waiver/volunteer form, and it can go out along with the sign-up genius. Responding to the trauma informed training, she is reminding the commission to be mindful to not exclude those who would like to join but may not be trauma informed. She stated she can put it on the website and ask if he volunteers may complete but cannot discriminate against those who are not.

Katia Papke stated that a checklist can go out that would need to be filled out to be a volunteer and those volunteers must have human trafficking background. She stated we would be able to say that, but we must be across the board with that statement. Melissa Palepu stated she is not comfortable with requiring that of those who would be volunteering. Katie Papke offered that each subcommittee can have their own criteria. Public member Lady Tee Thompson stated it is important for those involved to have sensitivity training. Public member Angela Dudley stated that it is important for people to be trauma informed with dealing with victims. Melissa Palepu stated she can include information on the form for those to see that there is training to become trauma informed.

Michael Draminski stated if there is any way for Veronique Tu to engage in doing the research as it should not be considered legal work. He does hope she can join, but he also does see the issues in the letter. Ms. Tu stated she will go back and talk to her counsel. The engagement letter will be tabled under the next meeting to redline and correct concerns.

Melissa Palepu stated she will create a volunteer form and trauma informed training can be on the website, for those who do volunteer can access it if they do wish to do so.


Agenda Item:

Old Business: Melissa Palepu stated she does not recall any old business from prior meeting that was to be discussed at this meeting. She had asked if anyone had anything else from before, there was nothing that needed to be discussed.


Agenda Item:

Action Item: New Business: Melissa Palepu stated that the new agenda items had already been discussed, the main thing to be focused on is the website. The website will be made to be a central place for information. The commission should try to go to as many other agencies/events to show support.


Public Comment: Melissa Palepu opened the floor for public comment. Elizabeth Carter congratulated the new chairwoman on getting the commission up and running. She stated she served as chair for the data committee and would love to discuss the work that occurred in prior years. Lady Tee Thompson had thanked the chairwoman and had asked if anyone would be interested to attend the Detroit Human Trafficking Commission on May 13th. This would be requiring a city ordinance regarding hotels and motels with the NFL draft coming this summer. Unknown member of the public had asked for any resources in federal human trafficking case, Melissa Palepu had stated for her to email her to relay any resources she may have. Mary Ottinot had thanked everyone on the commission.


Announcement of next meeting:

The next meeting will be May 22nd, 12:30pm, both in person at the Williams Building in Lansing and via Teams.

If you wish to attend virtually, please get to Melissa Palepu 48 hours before to get the link, please drop your information in the chat if you wish to join the mailing list.


Adjournment: Melissa Palepu adjourned the meeting at 1:57pm.