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May 22, 2024, Meeting Minutes

Meeting of the Michigan Human Trafficking Commission
May 22nd, 2024
Williams Building, Lansing, MI


Called to Order:

Chairwoman, Melissa Palepu, called meeting to order at 12:31pm.

Agenda Item:

Call to order and Welcome. Chairwoman Melissa Palepu welcomed Commission members and the public.

Members Present:

  • Melissa Palepu
  • Katie Papke
  • Jonathan Walden
  • Michael Draminski
  • Hon. Lisa McCormick
  • Jeff Getting
  • Ben O’Hearn
  • Leslie King

Not in attendance:

  • Tiffany Martinez
  • Alice Johnson


Agenda Item:

Roll Call. Diana Almusowi took roll call of the Commission Members.


Agenda Item: 

Action Item: Approval of the Minutes from March 27th, 2024: There are no corrections needed for notes. Motion to approve minutes as drafted by Michael Dramanski and seconded by Lisa McCormick.


Agenda Item:

Report of the Commission Chair: Melissa Palepu stated that it will be a shorter meeting for the day. Items for the subcommittee have been drafted, the website is currently being worked on to put more updated information regarding advocacy groups, mission statement, etc. The draft items regarding subcommittees had been sent to the board members so they can get an overview. She stated the subcommittee work should start in the next coming weeks, more information on that during new business.

Melissa Palepu stated will work on the bylaws regarding financial issues such as reimbursement, etc., to make the bylaws more specific regarding that. This will help the commission remain consistent with anything financial that may occur.

Melissa Palepu stated there may be a potential for the commission to sponsor high school students. She stated there is a program with Michigan Broadcasters where a topic can get sponsored, and students will work on it for the semester. She is still working on getting more information on it, but this can potentially be adopted by the commission as education was part of the goals and this can assist in the next coming years. She stated it can be discussed at the next meeting (July), but they would need to know by August.


Agenda Item:

Action Item: Old Business: Melissa Palepu had asked if anyone had anything else that was supposed to be discussed from before. Lady Tee Thompson had stated she did not receive anything in her email box regarding subcommittees. Melissa Palepu stated she has more information on that in new business. There was nothing that needed to be discussed.


Agenda Item:

New Business: Melissa Palepu stated she has drafted the handouts and sent them to board members, she asked if any board members had any questions regarding the handout, no questions. She stated if it can be voted on to send the handouts to volunteers who would like to join the subcommittees. Move to motion on that from Jonathan Walden, seconded by Lisa Mc Cormick. Melissa Palepu stated she will send out the sign out genius with the handout to those who had provided their emails at the last meeting, she stated if you believe your email is not on the list, please email Melissa Palepu or put the email in the chat box on teams. She stated she will send the sign-up genius alongside the handout, so those who want to sign up may see what the goals are for each subcommittee and ensure they can make that commitment. She stated to please make sure if you do wish to sign up, that you are committed to the goals of that committee that will be outlined in the handout. She opened the floor for questions about subcommittees.

Katie Papke stated that each subcommittee could have a chair or cochair, but within each subcommittee ensure that what work is done and provided on the report is submitted to the commission for review.

Leslie King asked what the meeting times would be for the subcommittees, and if that information can be provided to assist with decision making if someone would want to join the subcommittee. Melissa Palepu stated ultimately that would be up to each subcommittee. She stated the subcommittee will decide when they meet, how often, etc. She stated that the subcommittees are not a part of the open meetings act and thus, there would be no posting of when the meeting is to notify the public.

Melissa Palepu stated she is often busy as a State Prosecutor and if any emails get sent to her regarding commission questions or emergency, Katie Papke, can be cc’d on these emails to her. Katie Papke stated that anyone may email her regarding the commission as well.

Melissa Palepu stated the sign-up genius will close by June 14th, which will give time for review of the handout to know which committee those who would like to volunteer would like to join. She states she will make an email list for the volunteers, and she will create a group email with that information. She stated hopefully by May 28th, the email will be sent out with the handout and sign-up genius. She stated if it is not received by May 28th, it will be sent very shortly after, however she does anticipate having it sent by then.

Melissa Palepu had stated if there is any other new business to discuss. Lady Tee Thompson was asking for clarification if there is an option for those who join subcommittees to leave if the work is too much. Melissa Palepu stated that those that volunteer can give as much or as little time that they have. She stated that there are goals that we would like to meet by the end of the year and the subcommittees each have the own goals that are involved. She writes a report at the end of the year that goes to the governor regarding work that the commission does. She stated if someone cannot make every meeting in the subcommittee, that would be okay but just communicate that with the chair of the subcommittee. She stated if it does get to the point that the individual feels they cannot continue, to go ahead and email Melissa and let her know that they would like to be removed. She stated if that does happen, that they should not think they cannot be a part of the commission if they think the subcommittee work is too much. She stated we operate on a calendar year, so the report is due in February.


Public Comment: Melissa Palepu opened the floor for public comment. Marry Ottinot stated she is very excited with all the information she has heard about the commission today. Tyasha Foster stated she is victim of human trafficking, and her case has gone to court when it should not have due to mistakes that had been made, she is asking if anyone in the room has any connections for her to get in contact with someone at Ms. Hurdle. Melissa Palepu stated since this is an open and recorded meeting, she can email her information and she will see what contacts she can provide. Rita O’Brian is a victim and has helped survivors in Battle Creek. She stated she wants to get policy in churches, schools, and anything in the community to get the education out. Melissa Palepu stated she should look at the subcommittees as she could be a good fit in certain areas. Lady Tee Thompson discussed how a Michigan human trafficking hotline had taken calls and 20% of the calls taken were acted on by using referrals or resources provided. She stated how in this body can we derail exploitation and replicate to get rescue information out. This is an issue that can be addressed in the subcommittees. Rebecca Robydek stated she works for DHHS and came across the commission on the DHHS website, she wanted to introduce herself and has put her information in the chat. Melissa Palepu discussed an AG case of labor trafficking and how the victim was a clerk at the store. She stated there is not much information out there, the Judge and defense attorney in the case were not familiar with labor trafficking.


Announcement of next meeting: The next meeting will be July 31st, 12:30pm, both in person at the Williams Building in Lansing and via Teams. If you wish to attend virtually, please get to Melissa Palepu 48 hours before to get the link, please drop your information in the chat if you wish to join the mailing list.


Adjournment: Melissa Palepu adjourned the meeting at 1:07pm.