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Bulletin 2021-01; Updates to Zone Core Infrastructure equipment in Zone 4

The MPSCS will be performing software updates to Zone Core Infrastructure equipment in Zone 4.  During the update process there will be an estimated 6 hour period when data traffic over the MPSCS IV&D (Integrated Voice & Data) network will be interrupted.  Data service interruptions will include PMDC, AVL data traffic, and Radio Control Manager (RCM).  800MHz paging will be affected in Zone 4.  Users in Zone 4 will not be able to page outside of the zone during the outage window.  There are no planned outages for voice traffic during the update process.
To allow for issues such as system usage, dispatch emergencies, and weather events (fading), the window for completing this work is scheduled from 9AM (0900) to 3PM (1500) on Tuesday March 30th, 2021.  Prior to starting work, a LEIN message will be sent to the dispatch centers in that zone.
*Note: MPSCS recommends MCC7500 users do not log out of their consoles during the scheduled windows because the single sign on will not work when trying to sign in again.
Dispatch centers are encouraged to review their storm/backup plans and have them in place prior to the planned event.
Counties in Zone 4:
 Alcona  Leelanau
 Alpena  Manistee
 Antrim  Missaukee
 Benzie  Montmorency
 Charlevoix  Oscoda
 Cheboygan  Otsego
 Crawford  Presque Isle
 Emmet  Roscommon
 Grand Traverse  Wexford


Please share this information with your staff and users of the system to minimize disruptions to your organizations.

If you have an active emergency prior to the schedule outage time, please contact the NCC and request they temporarily delay until the emergency has stabilized. Once the patching has started, the system will not return to normal until the patching has completed.
The MPSCS NCC may be contacted at (888) 554-4622 or (517) 333-5050 if you have a question regarding the operation of the MPSCS or need assistance preparing for this event.