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TAC Training for MDHHS - Virtual

2024-10-16T09:00:00Z 2024-10-16T13:00:00Z TAC Training for MDHHS - Virtual The Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center, is now accepting registrations for the following 2024 TAC for the MDHHS classes:

In accordance with LEIN policy, each agency with direct access to the LEIN and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) must appoint a TAC. Direct access to the LEIN/NCIC includes the ability to conduct LEIN/NCIC transactions through a desktop computer, mobile data computer, in-car laptop, MiPistol, MSOR, etc.  TAC training is mandatory for all new TACs and retraining/recertification is required biennially.

Classes will be conducted remotely using Microsoft Teams. Participants will be able to attend by computer or by telephone if a computer is not available. Registration must be completed via MI-TRAIN. First time users must create an account.  Registrants are required to provide their agency Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) when registering.

TAC Training for MDHHS (Mi-Train Course ID:1115230):

Registrants may join the training beginning at 8:30 a.m.
COST:  $0
Upon successful completion of the class, a certificate will be made available in MI-TRAIN.

Virtual via Microsoft TEAMS
A link for the class will be sent to the registered attendee the week before the class.

Contact Information: 
Ms. Jacqueline Black                                             
Human Resource Developer - LEIN Trainer                      
Michigan State Police - LEIN Field Services                                           
Desk: (517)284-3125 - Cell: (517)249-0955   


Event Date

Start: October 16, 2024 9:00 AM

End: October 16, 2024 1:00 PM

The Michigan State Police, Criminal Justice Information Center, is now accepting registrations for the following 2024 TAC for the MDHHS classes:

In accordance with LEIN policy, each agency with direct access to the LEIN and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) must appoint a TAC. Direct access to the LEIN/NCIC includes the ability to conduct LEIN/NCIC transactions through a desktop computer, mobile data computer, in-car laptop, MiPistol, MSOR, etc.  TAC training is mandatory for all new TACs and retraining/recertification is required biennially.

Classes will be conducted remotely using Microsoft Teams. Participants will be able to attend by computer or by telephone if a computer is not available. Registration must be completed via MI-TRAIN. First time users must create an account.  Registrants are required to provide their agency Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) when registering.

TAC Training for MDHHS (Mi-Train Course ID:1115230):

Registrants may join the training beginning at 8:30 a.m.
COST:  $0
Upon successful completion of the class, a certificate will be made available in MI-TRAIN.

Virtual via Microsoft TEAMS
A link for the class will be sent to the registered attendee the week before the class.

Contact Information: 
Ms. Jacqueline Black                                             
Human Resource Developer - LEIN Trainer                      
Michigan State Police - LEIN Field Services                                           
Desk: (517)284-3125 - Cell: (517)249-0955