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Outdoor Adventure Center - Freshwater Fishing: Ice Fishing

variety of ice fishing equipment next to hole in ice

Outdoor Adventure Center - Freshwater Fishing: Ice Fishing

2025-02-15T13:30:00Z 2025-02-15T15:30:00Z Outdoor Adventure Center - Freshwater Fishing: Ice Fishing

It's Free Fishing Weekend! What better way to celebrate than to learn how to fish in the wintertime? Workshop topics will include ice safety, equipment, techniques and species to target. Participants will also have the chance to ice fish in Milliken State Park and Harbor if ice conditions are safe. The outdoor portion of the class will be cancelled if ice conditions are unsafe.

Participants must be age 8 or older. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Fishing licenses are not required for this program, but can be purchased online at DNR eLicense.

Participants should dress for the outdoor activities.

Preregistration is required. Cost is $5 per person.

Register for Freshwater Fishing: Ice Fishing.

1801 Atwater Street, Detroit, Michigan, 48207
Event Date

Start: February 15, 2025 1:30 PM

End: February 15, 2025 3:30 PM

Contact Information
Outdoor Adventure Center

It's Free Fishing Weekend! What better way to celebrate than to learn how to fish in the wintertime? Workshop topics will include ice safety, equipment, techniques and species to target. Participants will also have the chance to ice fish in Milliken State Park and Harbor if ice conditions are safe. The outdoor portion of the class will be cancelled if ice conditions are unsafe.

Participants must be age 8 or older. Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Fishing licenses are not required for this program, but can be purchased online at DNR eLicense.

Participants should dress for the outdoor activities.

Preregistration is required. Cost is $5 per person.

Register for Freshwater Fishing: Ice Fishing.