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Returning to State Employment
If you are vested and are reemployed by the state on or after Jan. 1, 2012.
If you return to State of Michigan employment before you retire, you'll become a participant in the Defined Contribution (DC) Plan as of the date of your rehire. You'll retain your eligibility for your pension, insurances, and death and disability benefits under the Defined Benefit (DB) Plan.
Your pension calculation will be determined by your final average compensation (FAC) under the DB Plan and your years of service (YOS) under the DB Plan.
If you are not vested and are reemployed by the state on or after Jan. 1, 2012, and before Jan. 1, 2014.
You'll become a participant in the DC Plan as of the date of your rehire. But you may continue to earn credit toward vesting for your DB benefits as long as you left any personal contributions on account with the retirement system. If you earn sufficient service credit for vesting, you will be eligible for a pension, insurances, and death and disability benefits under the DB Plan.
Your pension calculation will be determined by your FAC under the DB Plan and your YOS under the DB Plan.
If you are not vested and are reemployed by the state after Jan. 1, 2014.
You'll become a participant in the DC Plan as of the date of your rehire. You will not be eligible for pension or insurance benefits under the DB Plan. But you will participate in a Personal Healthcare Fund that can be used to pay for healthcare expenses in retirement.
You may be eligible for death and disability benefits.
To check which retirement plan you have, log in to miAccount. This information will be on the Account Summary page, or you can click the Member Statement button on the left navigation bar. After checking your account, if you have questions contact our office using the secure Message Board in miAccount.