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Motorcyclists are Hard to See. Look Twice. Save a Life.

Cars, trucks and a motorcycle icon on a roadway

Motorcyclists are Hard to See. Look Twice. Save a Life.

A quarter million Michiganders ride motorcycles

But it’s easy to overlook them due to their size and profile. To keep everyone safe, Michigan motorists are urged to always remain aware of motorcyclists and keep in mind the following:

  1. Most motorcycle-vehicle crashes occur on city streets, not on highways.
  2. Most motorcycle-vehicle crashes occur at intersections when a vehicle turns left into an oncoming motorcyclist.
  3. It only takes a second for traffic to turn into tragedy.

The Michigan Secretary of State’s office urges drivers to explore this website for tips on how to share the road with motorcyclists — and to look twice and save a life.

Motorcycle safety video

Inattentional blindness video

Don't turn traffic into tragedy — Driving tips to safely share the road

Motorcycle icon

Motorcycles are closer than they appear

Issue: Motorcyclists are closer than they appear. Their speed and distance are difficult for drivers to judge, especially at intersections.

Tip: Always keep a watchful eye and look twice at intersections before you turn or pull out.

Ear icon

Always remain alert

Issue: Many drivers count on hearing motorcyclists to be aware of their presence, but you can’t always hear them, especially when they are oncoming.

Tip: Don’t just rely on your ears. Practice remaining alert at all times.

Distance icon

Keep your distance

Issue: Many motorcyclists slow down by downshifting, which won’t activate the brake light. This can be dangerous if you don’t allow yourself extra space when following a motorcyclist, particularly on busy city streets.

Tip: Keep your distance when following a motorcyclist.

Eye icon

Double-check blind spots

Issue: Motorcyclists can easily get lost in one of your vehicle’s blind spots, especially when you attempt to merge, change lanes or turn.

Tip: Know where your blind spots are and double-check them often — paying special attention to the A-pillar blind spot.

Left turn road sign icon

Caution when turning left

Issue: Most crashes occur when a vehicle driver turning left fails to notice an oncoming motorcyclist. Intersections are one of the biggest dangers for motorcyclists, as their smaller size causes them to be overlooked by other drivers.

Tip: Be cautious at intersections and make sure to look twice before turning, especially left.

Arm icon

Motorcyclist hand signals

Issue: Failing to notice or recognize motorcyclist hand signals can lead to crashes. Motorcyclists use hand signals to let vehicles know their intentions on the road.

Tip: Know their signals — a right turn is signaled by a left arm raised, a left turn by the left arm straight out to the side and a stop by the left arm downward.

Intersection icon

Streets are more dangerous than highways

Issue: 84% of motorcycle-vehicle crashes happen on streets, not highways. A common misconception is that most crashes involving motorcyclists and vehicles occur on highways. Data shows that a large majority take place on city streets where a lot of vehicles are in motion.

Tip: Be aware that most motorcycle-vehicle crashes happen on streets.

Icon of a person driving and texting

Avoid distractions

Issue: Distracted driving takes your attention away from the road. Common distractions are handheld mobile devices, GPS devices, eating, drinking or reaching for an object.

Tip: Wait until you reach your destination to interact with a mobile device, eat or drink. Keep in mind Michigan’s hands-free law states a driver cannot hold or support a phone or other device with any part of their hands, arms or shoulders while driving.

Additional resources

Look Twice user guide

Look Twice user guide

Michigan Department of State's "Look Twice" online toolkit.

Download Look Twice user guide

Driver tip sheet
Look Twice quiz


Test your knowledge about motorcycle-vehicle crashes in Michigan.

Download quiz questions and answers

Michigan map of motorcycle-vehicle crashes

Motorcycle-vehicle crashes

This map provides detailed information about Michigan motorcycle-vehicle crashes, so you can see where they happen in your area.

2019-2023 motorcycle-vehicle crash map