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Executive Order 2020-142 FAQs (No longer effective)

Executive Order 2020-142
Provision of preK–12 education for the 2020–2021 school year 


Cyber Schools

Q: How does Executive Order 2020-142 affect schools that, in the normal course of educating students, do not meet in person?

A: Such schools are not affected.


Pilot Programs

Q:  May schools designate COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plans as “pilot programs”?

A:  No.


Facial Coverings 

Q:  What is the definition of a facial covering?  

A: A facial covering is cloth material that covers the nose and mouth. Facial coverings may be secured to the head or simply wrapped around the lower face. They can be made of a variety of materials, such as cotton or linen, and may be factory-made or made by hand.


Q:  Are face shields acceptable alternatives to mask?

A:  No. The CDC does not recommend the use of face shields as a substitute for cloth face coverings.  However, a face shield that covers the eyes, nose and mouth can be worn in addition to a cloth mask if desired.  Moreover, a face shield may be worn by younger children who are not required to wear a cloth face mask.


Q:  Who determines whether or not a student/staff member can medically tolerate a facial covering? 

A: People who should not wear facial coverings include the following:

  • Children younger than 2 years old
  • Anyone who has trouble breathing
  • Anyone who is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance

Schools should require documentation from a medical professional, as they do for other types of accommodations.


Q: Are all medical professionals authorized to determine whether a person can "medically tolerate" a face covering?

A: No. Documentation from a medical professional must come from a qualified medical professional capable of providing the appropriate diagnosis.


Q:  Can parents “opt-out” their child from the facial covering requirement, but still send them to school in-person?

A:  No. The child may opt-out of the requirement only if they choose to enroll in a fully remote learning environment.  


Q:  What recourse is there if students/families openly refuse to wear masks and they have no documentation of being unable to medically tolerate a facial covering?

A:  Schools should enforce compliance with state and local requirements for students through their normal disciplinary mechanisms.


Cohorting in Grades 5-8

Q:  If a building is K-8 or 5-6, or otherwise serves students in grades PK-5 and 6 and higher, can the school choose to do strict cohorting and therefore not require facial coverings for student? 

A:  No.