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Gov. John Engler (1991-2002)

Aerial photo of the Michigan State Capitol.
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Gov. John Engler (1991-2002)

Headshot of Governor John Engler.

Gov. John Engler Biography

John Engler served as Michigan's 46th governor from 1991 - 2002.
Gov. John Engler
Headshot of Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus.

Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus Biography

Dick Posthumus served as Michigan's  lieutenant governor from 1991 - 2002.
Lt. Gov. Dick Posthumus
Headshot of First lade Michelle Engler.

First Lady Michelle Engler

Michelle Engler, married to Gov. John Engler, was the first lawyer to serve as Michigan's first lady.

Archives of Michigan

The Archives of Michigan is responsible for preserving the records of Michigan government and other public institutions. In fulfilling this primary mission, it serves as the collective memory of Michigan state government.
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