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Fighting the opioid epidemic is a critical priority for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). MDHHS has taken action to prevent prescription drug and opioid abuse, reduce accidental overdoses and deaths, and increase access to treatment for people with an opioid use disorder.

MDHHS strategy to address the opioid epidemic follows a public health model. MDHHS is focused on fighting the opioid epidemic by promoting prevention, early intervention, and treatment.

Opioid Prymid - Prevention, Early Intervention, TreatmentPrevention Preventing a patient from developing an opioid use disorder is the first priority for MDHHS. MDHHS receives funding from SAMHSA to fund prevention activities statewide. Prevention strategies by MDHHS include:

  • Reduce medically unnecessary use of prescription opioids
  • Promoting prescription drug takebacks
  • Promoting best practices for pain prescribing
  • Promote evidence-based interventions for families and youth at risk of misusing opioids

Early intervention For patients with an opioid use disorder or at risk of developing an opioid use disorder, the goal is to identify the opioid use disorder and to appropriately treat as early as possible.   Early intervention strategies by MDHHS include:

  • Promote use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)
  • Expand harm reduction programs across the state
  • Use Medicaid Benefits Monitoring Program to identity patients at risk of an opioid use disorder

Treatment For patients with an opioid use disorder it is critically important to have access to quality treatment services. MDHHS funds substance use disorder treatment with Medicaid, Healthy Michigan, and SAMHSA grant funding. Michigan’s capacity to fund treatment was significantly increased with the launch of Healthy Michigan and additional SAMHSA funding. Treatment strategies by MDHHS include:  

  • Expand use of medication assisted treatment
  • Expand access to medication assisted treatment
  • Increase quality of medication assisted treatment
  • Implement evidence-based treatment interventions
  • Expand access to naloxone
  • Expand recovery support services