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End the Stigma Campaign Resources to Share

You can help change the conversation about opioid use disorder.  Share the messages, images and videos with your friends and family on your social media networks.

Sample Social Media Posts

“When you change how you talk about opioid use disorder and see it as a medical condition, you help others heal. Learn more at”

“Words can hurt. Words can heal. Use yours to support individuals with opioid use disorder.”

“Conversations don’t come with autocorrect. So when you talk about opioid use disorder, it’s important to be aware of what you say, and how it impacts those affected. Learn how you can start a conversation that leads to healing at”

Social Media Images

Opioids Stigma Twitter 1

Twitter - Change the conversation

Open Image
Opioids Stigma Twitter 2

Twitter - End the stigma

Open Image

Autocorrect 15 seconds

Autocorrect 30 seconds