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Emergency Financial Resources and Services Directory

The following is a list of financial resources and services:

Food Assistance

Coupons to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables from farmers markets
Office of Services to the Aging (OSA)

If you're homebound and in need of meals
Eldercare Locator to connect with your local area agency on aging

Meals on Wheels
Your local Area Agency on Aging can assist you with further information on finding a Meals on Wheels provider or Senior Center in your area.

Information about local food banks or food pantries
Food Bank Council of Michigan

To apply for food benefits
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)

For older adults age 60 years and older, assistance provided with applying for food benefits
Elder Law of Michigan
MiCAFE Program

If you've been denied food assistance from MDHHS, the Salvation Army may be able to help.
Contact your local Salvation Army office

Housing Concerns

Homeless and special housing needs, rental assistance, and affordable assisted rental housing
Michigan State Housing Development Association (MSHDA)
Lansing: 517-373-9344
Detroit: 313-456-3540

In risk of losing your home, help with home repairs, weatherization, rental and relocation assistance
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)

Mortgage payment assistance/home foreclosure
Step Forward Michigan (MSHDA)

If you've been denied housing or rental assistance from MDHHS, the Salvation Army may be able to help.
Contact your local Salvation Army office

In Home Care

For financial and physical assistance to be able to maintain capacity within your own home
Michigan Association for Home Care
Home Care Service Directory

Eldercare Locator to connect to your local area agency on aging

Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)
Independent Living Services

Legal Services

Free legal services for older adults age 60 years and older
Sixty Plus, Inc.
Elder Law of Michigan

Lawyer referral service
State Bar of Michigan

Legal advice, information, advocacy, training, and professional services
Elder Law of Michigan

Medicare and Medicaid

To apply for Medicaid

To apply for Medicare

For help with issues regarding Medicare or Medicaid
Medicare Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP)

Nursing Homes

To report abuse, neglect or exploitation of a resident of a nursing home by another resident or by a nursing home employee
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)
Statewide 24 hour Hotline

Bureau of Health Services Abuse Hotline

Prescription Help and Insurance Issues

Free or Low cost Prescriptions, Free Clinics, Prescription Costs
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)

For information about insurance, questions about insurance, and issues regarding insurance companies
Department of Insurance and Financial Services

Tax Preparation and Information

For free tax preparation

Internal Revenue Service

Michigan Economic Impact Coalition (MEIC)

Volunteer Income Tax Preparation (VITA)
Call 2-1-1 or 888-636-4211


To schedule transportation services and obtain information

Eldercare Locator to connect with your local area agency on aging

Michigan Transportation Services

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


If you are unable to pay your utility bills
Contact your local utility company to negotiate payment arrangements

For help with utility and weatherization payments
Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)

For information on utility bill programs, how to reduce energy and save money on your energy bills
Michigan Public Service Commission

For a list of companies that furnish free cell phones or plans at a discounted price in Michigan to low-income people/families
Federal Communications Commission

If you've been denied utility assistance from MDHHS, the Salvation Army may be able to help.
Contact your local Salvation Army office

General Information:

  • For aging related topics and issues, contact the National Institute on Aging (NIA), an institute of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, at 800-222-2225.
  • The Michigan Association of United Way provides the Michigan 2-1-1 telephone helpline for Michigan residents. Michigan 2-1-1 is a free, confidential service that connects you with local community-based organizations across the state offering thousands of different programs and services for people seeking answers. 24-hours/day, 7 days/week, Michigan residents can call 2-1-1 to find information:
    • Arts, Culture & Recreation
    • Clothing, Person & Household Needs
    • Disaster Services
    • Education
    • Employment
    • Food & Meals
    • Healthcare
    • Housing & Utilities
    • Income Support & Assistance
    • Individual, Family & Community Support
    • Information Services
    • Legal, Consumer & Public Safety
    • Mental Health & Addictions
    • Government & Economic Services
    • Transportation
    • Volunteer & Donation Services