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Apply for Business Resources (ABR) through the Growing MI Business Grant Program

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Apply for Business Resources (ABR) through the Growing MI Business Grant Program

MI Business Grant Program

The application period for this program has ended.

Applications not yet submitted are not eligible for consideration.

Grant Status

Applications have been reviewed for eligibility and award status, and applications have been notified of their award status via email. Award distribution has been completed.

Grant Overview

The Growing MI Business grant program is a program by the State of Michigan to distribute up to $409 Million of its American Rescue Plan Act funds to be awarded through grants to provide resources to businesses that meet certain criteria. The program will support businesses as defined by Public Act 132 of 2021.

To learn more, view the Growing MI Business Overview Factsheet.

Assistance for Applying for Business Resources (ABR)

The Grant Assistance Helpline is now closed. If assistance is needed, please send an email inquiry to

For assistance, please send email inquires to

If you suspect fraud by an individual or a business seeking a Growing MI Business Grant, you can report it safely, easily, and anonymously (if you wish), by emailing