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Frequently Asked Questions

How will I be contacted with inquiries about my application or an updated status of my application?

Treasury will reach out via phone call or email for any updates or questions.

How can I withdraw my application?

You may withdraw by sending an email request to support (email).

Are the funds first come first serve?

It does not matter when you apply as long as it is between March 1st and March 31st. The applications will be reviewed starting April 1st.

Where can I find all the information for my application to get everything around so I can fill out the application quickly?

You can visit the application overview here, the ABR fact sheet here, or the application here.

Is there an estimation on how many businesses will apply? If the funds will be prorated?


Can we apply by each location, or do we have to apply consolidated (issue being 1 tax return-income/expense)?

Dependent on the FEIN.

If we own the real estate that the business is leasing from how is this addressed or handled?


Will the property tax component skew away from the small businesses? The larger venues will absorb a disproportionate amount of this funding. How will this issue be prevented?


Legislation that is in process right now that aids certain business areas (ie fitness centers new legislation) how does this affect this legislation and the funding they will receive?

This grant will impact dollar figures down the road, not the other way around. In future grants, they will still be able to apply, but it could impact that amount of money, if any, they receive in future grants.

What would be the timeline after grant approval and funding?

Funds will be distributed on July 1st or before. Applications will be approved between April and June.

If there is an error or more information that is requested, will our application be kicked, or will we have the chance to fix it and stay in the running for funds?

Yes, you will be notified but keep in mind that you must fix your application within the time frame that Guidehouse requests. We are trying to design the application for the least amount of touchpoints and error possible.

More clarity on the individual units.

Provide clarity.

Clarity around the “any license or inspection fees paid”-what that means for business owners and their businesses?

Provide clarity-what types of businesses have which licenses. Which licenses are essential for funds and which are just to provide legitimacy of the business?