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About Us

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About Us

About Us

Safe Drivers Smart Options provides information, training programs and activities considered best practices for Michigan.  Designed to be used by aging adults, family and friends, and professionals who work with aging adults, the approach recognizes the important role all of these groups play in keeping Michigan's aging adults safely mobile.  As new programs and information are developed, that show great promise for supporting aging drivers, they will be included in the plan to ensure that the strategy continues to best meet the needs of Michigan's aging population.


    Safe Drivers Smart Options was developed for Michigan by several key stakeholders in our state.

    Guidance and expertise from several public and private partners was coordinated to create Safe Drivers Smart Options. Government partners included Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT); Michigan Department of State (MDOS); Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), Aging and Adult Services; Michigan State Police, Office of Highway Safety Planning; local law enforcement; and the Federal Highway Administration. Significant collaborative planning with the private sector and non-profit organizations was equally vital, including the insurance industry, medical care community, the statewide Area Agency on Aging network, and senior advocacy organizations. Academic partners include the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI).


  • Safe Drivers Smart Options is an award winning website.

    In 2018 the Safe Drivers Smart Options initiative was recognized with an Outstanding Traffic Safety Achievement Award by the GTSAC.

    The purpose of the Governor's Traffic Safety Advisory Commission (GTSAC) is to provide leadership in the identification of state and local traffic safety issues and promote recommended strategies to address them. The GTSAC awards program recognizes honorees with an Outstanding Traffic Safety Achievement Award. The award celebrates the accomplishments of individuals and agencies whose dedication, energy, and commitment to traffic safety have made a difference for Michigan residents. Safe Drivers Smart Options was honored for helping aging adult drivers. It is an evidence-based initiative that helps older adults continue to drive safely and assist those needing to make a transition to driving retirement while maintaining mobility and independence.

    Safe Drivers Smart Options received three awards in 2017 from the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE ADMINISTRATORS (AAMVA) whose awards program fosters a tradition of excellence in the motor vehicle and law enforcement community by honoring individuals, teams, and organizations who have committed their time and resources to safety initiatives, outstanding customer service, and public affairs and consumer education programs throughout North America.

    REGIONAL WINNER, Excellence in Government Partnership Award


    The PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND CONSUMER EDUCATION (PACE) Awards Program within AAMVA recognizes public relations, public affairs and consumer education excellence among the motor vehicle, law enforcement and traffic safety agencies across North America. They recognize creativity, cost effectiveness and the ability to reach consumers with a well-crafted, measured and executed message.