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Assisting Aging Adults to Get Around

Older people talking

Alternative Transportation Services/Transit Authorities by County

This link is a more than 80 page listing by County of known transportation and transit services which includes contact information for each resource and a description of the services they provide. The listing is updated as new information is received by the Michigan Department of State.

Eldercare Locator
The Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, connects individuals to services for older adults and their families.

Michigan Area Agencies on Aging
Michigan’s 16 Area Agencies on Aging are trusted, unbiased, non-profit organizations that provide information, resources, and services to older adults, persons with disabilities, and their family or caregivers.

Rail and Public Transit
This is a link to the Michigan Department of Transportation’s website for information on public transit services such as passenger buses and rail services.