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Governor Granholm Appoints DeBeaussaert to the Great Lakes Commission

August 19, 2003
LANSING – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced that Kenneth DeBeaussaert has been appointed to serve as a member of the Great Lakes Commission. Granholm also announced that Lt. Governor John Cherry, Jr., has been designated to represent the Governor on the commission.

“Ken and John are both highly committed to protecting our state’s Great Lakes,” Granholm said.  “They will be instrumental on this commission and will fight to preserve our state’s waters for Michigan families.” 
DeBeaussaert was appointed in April by the Governor to serve as the director of the Office of the Great Lakes.  He previously served as vice president of legislative relations for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and was a Michigan legislator for 18 years, serving on a variety of committees responsible for environmental and water quality issues. 

While in the House of Representatives for ten years, he served on the Conservation, Recreation and Environment Committee and chaired the Marine Affairs and Port Development Committee that developed the initial water diversion protection legislation.  During his two terms in the state Senate, he was a member of the Great Lakes Task Force that developed bi-partisan policy proposals for action based on citizen input from hearings across Michigan.

DeBeaussaert was a member of the Great Lakes Commission in the 1980s, serving as its vice-chair for a year, and also served on the Blue Ribbon Commission on Lake St. Clair in the 1990s.

DeBeaussaert succeeds Frank M. D’Itri who resigned.  His appointment is for a term commencing August 14, 2003, at the pleasure of the Governor, and is subject to advice and consent of the Senate. 
The Great Lakes Commission focuses on issues that pertain to the Great Lakes region and makes recommendations to either the states or to Congress on action that would be beneficial to the region.  The commission also hosts meetings and seminars.