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Governor Granholm Names Member to the State Exposition and Fairgrounds Council

August 26, 2003

LANSING – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today announced the appointment of Thomas Valliere to the State Exposition and Fairgrounds Council.  The bi-partisan council is responsible for sponsoring the Michigan State Fair and for promoting additional year- round events at the site.
“Tom will work with the other members of the council to help promote state and county fairs which allow the state to showcase Michigan’s agricultural strength,” Granholm said.  “The fairs around the state are tools for promoting one of our most important industries in a fun, hands-on way that provides education to the public.”
Mr. Valliere, of Hope, is currently manager of the Midland County Fair. He has been appointed to represent the general public for a term expiring June 20, 2004.   He will succeed Kathleen Ligocki who has resigned. 

This appointment is subject to advice and consent of the Senate.