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Governor Granholm Applauds Efforts of Highland Park Leadership Steering Committee

February 18, 2004

HIGHLAND PARK – Governor Jennifer M. Granholm today applauded the efforts of the Highland Park Leadership Steering Committee in working to improve the quality of life and fiscal stability of the City of Highland Park.

“I applaud the spirit and dedication of the citizens of Highland Park and the Leadership Steering Committee,” said Granholm.  “The citizens continue to demonstrate a commitment to restoring and revitalizing their city.”

The committee today presented the Governor with a community report that outlines the challenges the city faces in business, jobs and training, education, housing and neighborhoods, public safety, seniors, and water.  The report also outlines possible suggestions for addressing the challenges.

The Governor’s office for Southeast Michigan has been working with the community and city officials to help identify challenges facing the community and has been formulating a plan to facilitate an active participatory community driven process to help rebuild the City of Highland Park. 

The steering committee was established to bring the residents and stakeholders, who are committed to seeing the historic community through revitalization, together to brainstorm and have dialogue on the issues facing the city.