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Appointment to Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee

April 14, 2011

Contact: Sara Wurfel
Office: 517-335-6397

LANSING, Mich.- Governor Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Derek Quinn to the Michigan Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee.

The committee advises the Department of Community Health regarding prescription drug coverage, guidelines and issues for its various health care programs.

"Derek's skills and experience will be important as we work to improve health care programs in Michigan," Snyder said.

Quinn, of Kalamazoo, is the pharmacy manager of Westlake Drug, Inc. He is a member of the Michigan Pharmacists Association Executive Board. Quinn previously served on the MPA New Practitioner Advisory Committee and as an editor of the 12th edition of the Pharmacy Certified Technician Training Manuel. He earned a Doctor of Pharmacy from Ferris State University.

Quinn will serve the remainder of a two-year term expiring Nov. 1, 2012, replacing Neil Dorfman. Quinn's appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
