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Snyder appoints member to Great Lakes Protection Fund Board of Directors

Friday, May 6, 2011

Contact: Sara Wurfel
Office: 517-335-6397

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Rich Baird to the Great Lakes Protection Fund Board of Directors.

The Great Lakes Protection Fund is a private, nonprofit corporation formed in 1989 by the governors of the Great Lakes States. It is a permanent environmental endowment that supports collaborative actions to improve the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem.

"Rich's tremendous insight and experience make him well positioned to serve on this Board as we continue to safeguard our greatest natural resource, the Great Lakes," Snyder said.

Baird, of Bath, is the CEO of MI Partners, LLC, an organizational change consulting firm. He also serves as the transformation manager for Governor Snyder. Baird retired in 2010 from PricewaterhouseCoopers as the global and U.S. co-leader for People and Change Management. Prior to that, he was global managing partner for human resources for PwC's 150,000 partners and staff. Baird has served on numerous international initiatives and task forces, and has also authored or co-authored several books with a special focus on leadership and organizational development. He previously served on the AIESEC U.S. Board of Directors, a global youth organization that develops leadership capabilities. Baird holds a bachelor's degree from Albion College where he served as a trustee for 12 years as well as honorary doctorates from Albion College and Eastern Michigan University. He was named by Michigan Jaycees as one of "Five Outstanding Young Men of Michigan."

Baird replaces Kenneth DeBeaussaert and will serve the balance of a term expiring October 11, 2012. His appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
