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Snyder appoints members to Education Commission of the States

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Contact: Sara Wurfel
Office: 517-335-6397

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointments of Nancy Danhof, Kellie Dean, Greg Tedder and Mike Flanagan to the Education Commission of the States.

The commission, created in 1965, is an interstate compact working to improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among state policymakers and education leaders.

"These individuals provide valuable experience that will be beneficial to the Education Commission as we work to enhance Michigan's public education systems," Snyder said.

Danhof, of Lansing, is a member of the State Board of Education and serves as executive director of the Todd Martin Development Fund. She has a distinguished career as a national consultant on education issues, having previously served as the director of the Michigan Foundation for Education Leadership and as president of the East Lansing Board of Education. Danhof earned a bachelor's degree in secondary education from Michigan State University. She will serve a term that expires at the pleasure of the governor.

Dean, of Okemos, is CEO of three Lansing based companies - Dean Transportation, Dean Trailways of Michigan and Dean Management Services - that employ 1,000 people statewide. He spent 11 years working as a teacher and educator in Lansing schools. He then joined Special Transportation Inc., a busing company that served special education students in the state. He later bought the company, renaming it Dean Transportation. Dean earned a master's degree in special education administration from Michigan State University. He will serve a term expiring at the pleasure of the governor.

Tedder, of Ada, is a strategic policy advisor in the governor's office. He earned a bachelor's of business administration from the University of Connecticut and will serve a term expiring at the pleasure of the governor.

Flanagan, of Lansing, is the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a position he has held since 2005. Flanagan holds degrees from Eastern Michigan University and Notre Dame University. He will serve a term expiring at the pleasure of the governor.

These appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
