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Success of Snyder's 182-day agenda driven by 'relentless positive action'


Thursday, June 30, 2011

View a synopsis of the 182 day time line and accomplishments. 

Contact: Sara Wurfel
Office: 517-335-6397

LANSING, Mich. - Relentless? You bet. Positive? Absolutely. Action? Judge for yourself.

True to his word, Gov. Rick Snyder has moved Michigan forward with his trademark "relentless positive action" during his first six months in office. The governor pledged to lay the groundwork for Michigan's economic recovery by driving an ambitious agenda during the 182-day period from Jan. 1 to July 1. Snyder and his legislative partners have enacted more quality public-policy reforms in a shorter time frame than at any other period in recent memory. While the quantity is impressive, the governor emphasized that quality is most important, and the reforms that were enacted are substantive and well-thought.

"These are not the successes of an individual," Snyder said. "They are the accomplishments of an entire state that is determined to come back stronger than ever. The magnitude of Michigan's fiscal crisis demands that we act thoughtfully but with a sense of urgency. Thanks to the outstanding work of our Legislature and the participation of residents statewide, we have implemented strategic reforms that will create an environment in which working families and job providers can thrive. We've set the bar high and we'll keep reaching for the top.

"Our work is only beginning. We still have an aggressive schedule for the rest of this year that includes essential education and local government reforms, as well as approval for the proposed New International Trade Crossing. But we can all take great pride in knowing that we're moving forward together. Our state soon will be a model for the nation. It's a new day in Michigan and our future is bright."

Snyder credited the leadership of Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, House Speaker Jase Bolger and Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville as a key reason that healthy progress is being made.

"These fine public servants are working cooperatively and tirelessly to get our state back on track," Snyder said. "Their dedication and vision has helped to point Michigan in the right direction."

Highlights of the first six months include: 

  • The timely completion of a balanced budget that eliminates the state's $1.5 billion deficit and sets aside savings to help the state meet its long-term obligations. The budget was completed in advance of Snyder's May 31 target date and is the earliest that the state budget had been wrapped up in 30 years.     
  • A major overhaul of the state's tax structure, resulting in the elimination of the jobs-killing Michigan Business Tax and leveling the playing field for all taxpayers. 
  • Updating Michigan's Emergency Manager Law to help schools and communities stay fiscally solvent. 
  • Eliminating the outdated Item Pricing Law to help businesses grow while still protecting consumers. 
  • Devoting 53 percent of state resources in the budget to education. 
  • Laying out comprehensive agendas for education and local government reforms. 
  • Bringing greater efficiency and flexibility to the Michigan State Police through an innovative regional policing plan that enhances service to the public while reducing costs. 
  • Refocusing the Michigan Economic Development Corp. to provide greater assistance to Michigan businesses. 
  • Providing a stable funding source for the successful Pure Michigan tourism campaign
  • Strengthening the successful Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program, which helps farmers remain economically viable and protects the environment. 
  • Preserving jobless benefits for 35,000 unemployed Michigan residents. 
  • Streamlining the parole board so the responsibility for parole decisions is taken out of the Governor's Office and rightfully returned to the Michigan Department of Corrections. 
  • Issuing an Executive Order that creates separate departments of Natural Resources and Environmental Quality, allowing them to better focus on their core missions. 
  • Adding "rural development" to the name and mission of the Department of Agriculture, which enhances coordination with the agriculture community to bring jobs to rural areas. 
  • Restructuring the former Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth into the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs for improved coordination of programs across state government. 
  • Expanding the 21st Century Jobs Fund to assist the agriculture and technology sectors. 
  • Creating the Michigan Dashboard to help drive improvements in key areas and provide the state with a gauge to measure its success in meeting those goals.

A complete list of 182-day achievements is available online at
