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Snyder appoints member to Farm Produce Insurance Authority

Monday, July 11, 2011

Contact: Sara Wurfel
517-335-6397 or 

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today appointed Paul Koeman to the Farm Produce Insurance Authority. 

The board represents farmers and grain, feed and banking interests, and establishes, administers and promotes the state's Farm Produce Insurance Fund.

"Paul's agricultural background will play a key role in the board's work as we build a stronger Michigan," Snyder said.

Koeman, of Hamilton, is owner of Koeman Farms where he grows corn, wheat and soybeans on 3,400 acres and raises 4,000 contract hogs. He serves on the Michigan Farm Bureau Board of Directors and the Hamilton Farm Bureau Cooperative Board. Koeman earned a degree in pre-engineering from Ferris State University.

Koeman will represent producers from the largest Michigan organization representing general farm interests and replaces Carl Bednarski. He will serve a three-year term expiring June 20, 2014. The appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
