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Great Lakes Compact Council and Regional Body appointment announced

Friday, Aug. 5, 2011

Contact: Sara Wurfel
P: 517-335-6397 or E: 

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today appointed Grant Trigger to the Great Lakes Compact Council and Regional Body.

The council helps coordinate Great Lakes states and provinces and their shared efforts to manage the sustainable use of Great Lakes water. 

"Grant's extensive background and experience will play a key role in assisting the council on managing and safeguarding Michigan's water resources," Snyder said.

Trigger, of Bloomfield Hills, serves as Michigan cleanup manager for the Revitalizing Auto Communities Environmental Response Trust and is responsible for the cleanup and redevelopment plans for former General Motors properties in Michigan. He previously served as vice president and director of Brownfield Redevelopment for REI Investment Group in Bloomfield Hills, and also as partner in Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn law firm based in Detroit. Trigger is a founding member of the Michigan Chapter of the National Brownfield Association and is an original member of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Act 307 (now part 201). Trigger earned a bachelor's degree in environmental sciences engineering from the University of Michigan and a law degree from the University of Detroit Law School, where he currently serves as an adjunct professor of law teaching environmental issues in corporate transactions.

Trigger is appointed for a term expiring at the pleasure of the governor.  The appointment is not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
