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Calley signs bill to allow spearfishing on Houghton Lake

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

LANSING, Mich. - Lt. Gov. Brian Calley today signed legislation allowing spearfishing on Houghton Lake, giving fishermen more latitude in choosing their gear.


"There are no compelling biological or social reasons to continue to include this outdated prohibition from 1940 in our state law," Calley said.


Spearfishing also is legal in most other Michigan lakes. House Bill 5452, sponsored by state Rep. Bruce Rendon, now is Public Act 301 of 2012.


Calley also signed three other bills.


H.B. 5154, sponsored by state Rep. John Walsh, amends the Uniform Principal and Income Act to comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations. The act follows a national model that outlines the way in which trustees must divide receipts and expenditures of an estate between principal and income. The bill now is P.A. 302.


H.B. 5237, sponsored by state Rep. Mark Ouimet, provides fiduciaries flexibility in determining how to handle the estate of people who died in 2010. During that year, federal law was in flux between an old system of requiring no estate tax and a new system of allowing a $5 million exemption and taxing thereafter. The bill now is P.A. 303.


H.B. 5592, sponsored by state Rep. Marilyn Lane, lengthens the authority of a writ of garnishment of wages or other earnings from 91 days to 182 days. This reduces administrative costs for writs that must be frequently renewed. The bill now is P.A. 304.


Calley signed the bills because Gov. Rick Snyder is in China on a trade mission. Article V, Section 26 of the Michigan Constitution gives authority to the lieutenant governor when the governor is outside the state.


Visit for more information on the bills.

